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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

January 27, 2019–Coming Home

Andrew Tucker, Columbus, OH Warm-up Question What does it feel like to come home after you’ve spent some time away? What does it feel like when people notice the ways that you’ve changed while you were gone? Coming Home Census...

January 20, 2019–Hero at the Wedding

Brian Hiortdahl, West Hills, CA Warm-up Question Who is your hero? Hero at the Wedding Just after getting married on the beach, newlywed groom Zac Edwards was alerted to a swimmer in danger drifting out to sea.  The former lifeguard...

January 13, 2019–Public Servant

Dave Dodson, Fort Walton Beach, FL Warm-up Question What political figures (living or dead) do you admire?  What characteristics about them do you find to be admirable?Public Public Servant 2018 has come to a close.  At the end of the year...

January 6, 2019

Dennis Sepper, Rosemont, MN Warm-up Question Have you ever looked for something you lost and found it in a very unlikely place?  Home for the Holidays Raleigh, North Carolina, December 17, 2018 – Twin sisters A’nina and Zoe Pasco, members...

December 30, 2018–Discovering Where He Belongs

Scott Moore, Erfurt, Germany Warm-up Question What is the best thing you like about when you come home from being away for a while?  Discovering Where He Belongs It’s beginning to look a lot like the Christmas Nick Schneider dreamed...