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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

September 29, 2019–Sharing is Caring

Seth Moland-Kovash, Palatine, IL Warm-up Question When was a time that you felt left out or out of place? Sharing is Caring Bullying happens all over the place and it is a common experience in schools. Sometimes a person is...

September 22, 2019–Can’t Do It Alone

Amy Martinell, Sioux Falls, SD Warm-up Question Today’s parable is about a dishonest servant.  Share the first time you remember lying or being dishonest.  What happened?  Did you come clean or have you kept it a secret? Can’t Do It...

September 15, 2019–Pain in Losing, Joy in Finding

Tim Jacobsen, West Des Moines, IA Warm-up Question What is the longest time you have spent looking for something? Where did it end up being? How did you feel? (Be honest, it’s ok to say it was right in front...

September 8, 2019–Count the Cost

Brian Hiortdahl, West Hills, CA Warm-up Question When has your heart wanted something your head decided you could not afford?   Count the Cost In her 2018 article “Fewer Ministers, Heavier Burden,” Jean Hopfensberger chronicles the changing landscape of church...

September 1, 2019–It Goeth Before a Fall

Dave Dodson, Houston, TX Warm-up Question What ability do you have which you are most proud of? It Goeth Before a Fall It was a warm night in Springfield, Illinois on August 16th when the rapper Twista took the stage...