March 10-16, 2010
Contributed by Joycelyn Breeland, Fairfax, VA. Warm-up Question How much do the adults in your life trust you? I Spy The FBI is investigating the claim of 16-year-old Blake Robbins that his high school illegally spied...
March 3-9, 2010
Contributed by Jennifer Krausz, Bethlehem, Pa. Warm-up Question Have you ever posted anything negative about anyone on the internet? What was the reaction or the result? Student Suspended for Facebook Posting Justin Bird of Oak Forest, Illinois was suspended from...
February 24-March 2, 2010–Accepting the Challenge
Contributed by Daniel Wiessner, Tacoma, Wash. Warm-up Question Have you ever done something that you knew was dangerous? Why did you do it? Some possibilities: peer pressure, standing up for a friend, pride in your own accomplishments, just for the...
February 17-23, 2010, Fighting Temptation With Purpose
Contributed by Angie Larson, Clive, IA Warm-up Question What do you think is your life’s purpose? Fighting Temptation with Purpose Shin Fujiyama, now 25, was born in a fishing village in Japan. Born with a hole in his heart,...
February 10-16, 2010–Signs of the Times
Contributed by Pastor Seth Moland-Kovash, All Saints Lutheran Church, Palatine, IL Warm-Up Question Who are the historical figures you look up to the most? Signs of the Times We all have historical figures to whom we look up. We admire...