June 8-14, 2011– Seeing Jesus Face to Face
Contributed by Stephanie Opsal, West Des Moines Warm-up Question Have you seen Jesus in your life? Seeing Jesus Face to Face Todd Burpo’s book, Heaven is For Real, has become a sensational “must-read” for many. Burpo describes his four-year-old son...
June 1-7, 2011–Take It to the Lord in Prayer
Contributed by Dennis Sepper, University Pastor, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA Warm-up Question How many friends have you checked in on today by text, Facebook or cell phone? An Unexpected Message… A couple of months ago and email showed...
May 25-31, 2011–Speaking Up
Contributed by Seth Moland-Kovash, All Saints Lutheran Church, Palatine, IL Warm-up Question Have you ever spoken up for someone else? Maybe it was for a younger sibling to your parents… maybe a new student to a teacher? Speaking Up An...
May 18-24, 2011–Taking Notice
Contributed by Jocelyn Breeland, Fairfax, VA Warm-up Question Would you make a good eyewitness? Why? Taking Notice How perceptive are you? In their book, The Invisible Gorilla, Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons relate an experiment that sheds an interesting light...
May 11-17, 2011–Who’s In and Who’s Out?
Contributed by John Hougen, Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Melrose Park, PA Warm-up Question If your house of worship had a bouncer, and the bouncer was Jesus, would he let you in? Why or why not? Who’s In...