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ELCA Blogs


Join ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton in Telling the Presidential Candidates: “Prioritize Peace!”

Join ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and 20 other Christian leaders of national denominations and organizations in calling upon the major 2016 presidential candidates to pledge, if elected, to take urgent and vigorous new steps to seek creative political solutions...

ELCA Churchwide Assembly addresses human rights concerns in Israel and Palestine

  The text below is an ELCA News Story that can be found here CHICAGO (Sept. 8, 2016) – Voting members of the 2016 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Churchwide Assembly in New Orleans Aug. 8-13 approved two memorials that...

ELCA passes actions on Israel and Palestine

At the 2016 Churchwide Assembly the ELCA voted in favor of two actions related to peace with justice in Palestine and Israel. On August 12 the assembly voted in favor of the “Peace with Justice in the Holy Land (Category...

World Council of Churches affirms commitment to finding a timely solution to conflict in Israel and Palestine

The Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC), meeting in Trondheim, Norway, from 22 through 28 June, authorized the convening of an international ecumenical conference in 2017 “to reaffirm and strengthen ecumenical witness for peace with justice for...

Lutheran World Federation Council Passes Two Resolutions on the Middle East

June 20 the Lutheran World Federation Council passed two resolutions related to the Middle East. The resolution supporting Arab Christians in the Middle East supports the efforts of the “Fellowship of Middle East Council of Churches (FMECC) to sustain the...

ELCJHL Rev. Mitri Raheb radio interview on Atlanta Church Summit and peace in Israel and Palestine

The Carter Center recently hosted a summit of Christian churches and church-related organizations from the United States and the Holy Land in Atlanta called “Pursuing Peace and Strengthening Presence: The Atlanta Summit of American and Palestinian Churches.” The summit was aimed...

2015 LWF Jerusalem Annual Report Now Available

The 2015 Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Jerusalem Program Annual report is now available. The report includes updates and articles on each of the ministries of the LWF Jerusalem Program, including: Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH), the Vocational Training Program, Scholarships, Material...

ELCA presiding bishop joins faith leaders at peace summit

The text below is directly from this ELCA news story: CHICAGO (ELCA) – The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), joined leaders of Christian churches and church-related organizations from the United States and...

Meetings in Washington DC after the Atlanta Summit of Churches in the USA and the Holy Land

Summary of meetings held in Washington, DC, April 21-22, 2016 On Thursday, April 21, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton joined ELCJHL Bishop Munib Younan, (Latin) Patriarch Twal, (Anglican) Archbishop Dawani and several others of the Palestinian delegation who came to Washington...

Thirst in Palestine linked to justice, says Bishop Younan

When Palestinian Bishop Munib Younan talks about the thirst, he links it with a quest for justice in both Palestine and Israel. “The water crisis in Palestine cannot be solved until there is justice. Water and justice issues are intertwined...