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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Racial Justice

Hiding in the Open: White Supremacy on the Great Plains by Kelly France

The ELCA recognizes June, 17 as day of Commemoration of the Emanuel 9 and a Day of Repentance of Racism.  This blog is featured as part of a series to call the ELCA to address white supremacy and racism. To...

Rembering Those Behind Bars During COVID-19 by Wayne Gallipo

  “And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you? And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did I it to one of the least of these who...

Tale of Two Pandemics by Shari Seifert and Jess Harren

Shari Seifert is a Realtor and is committed to working on racial justice in the ELCA.  Jessica is passionate about all forms of injustice, especially in the church.  Shari and Jessica are members of the European Descent Lutheran Association for...

Zooming Toward God’s Love: Reflections on Resilience During Covid Times by Lily Wu

  In the heated battle of humanity versus covid-19, the Zoom meeting app is booming. People want to see and be seen. Big learning curve for many. But free and open to everyone! Indeed, being seen, and even loved, is...

The Everyday Racism of Covid-19 by Judith E.B. Roberts

I reside in a high-rise apartment building in a racailly and ethically diverse Chicago suburb. My neighbors are American Indian, Black, Puerto Rican, Russian, Assyrian, Asian, Greek and White. We are food service workers, stay at home parents, people with...

That We Might Have Life: Black Healthcare Matters in the Covid-19 Pandemic by Rev. Lamont Anthony Wells

Just as we entered Holy Week 2020, we heard some of the most grim news from U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, who told the American people on Palm Sunday that “this [week] is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment”...