South Sudan: Trial and Error and then…Smiles
This past year the Lutheran World Federation set up three Emergency Hubs in areas prone to disasters. Their intent was to preposition staffing and resources in areas of the world prone to disaster. One of these hubs was set up...
Hurricane Sandy: The Art of Giving & Receiving Thanks
On the way to work this morning I heard a really great report on NPR about the ways people are supporting the response on the East Coast to Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy. It was discussing how in-kind, material gifts are handled and...
Hurricane Sandy: The Strength of a Network
We often speak about our domestic disaster response work being done through a network of affiliates. The following is a great example of what this looks like in practice. Lutheran Family and Children’s Services (LCFS) of Missouri, a Lutheran Disaster...
New Resource: Hurricane Sandy Situation Report #2
A new situation report giving an update on the situation in the northeaster United States and Caribbean as well as the ELCA’s response is now available. Please help us spread the word of how the ELCA is engaged in the...
Guatemala: 7.5-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Country
This morning a 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Guatemala killing at least 15 people and was felt as far away as Mexico City. As details continue to pour in please keep the people of Guatemala and our companion,...
New Resource: Updated Hurricane Sandy Bulletin Insert
There is a new bulletin insert on the ELCA Disaster Response website sharing about our work and need following Hurricane Sandy. Please share it with your congregations. Hurricane Sandy Bulletin Insert