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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

Conversations with Members of Our Saviour, Freeport After Hurricane Dorian

Conversations with Members of Our Saviour, Freeport After Hurricane Dorian By Thomas L. Weitzel Nearly two weeks after Hurricane Dorian struck the Bahamas as a category five hurricane, the people of Grand Bahama, and particularly the members of Our Saviours...

LDR Facilitator Attends Climate Reality Project Training

I grew up the daughter of a water and wastewater engineer. On summer vacations and road trips of any length, our family made detours to visit water treatment plants. I met my dad’s colleagues from around the world when they...

Situation Update 2: Hurricane Dorian

  Be a part of the response: Pray Please pray for the communities that have been affected by Hurricane Dorian. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.  You can find additional resources for...

Situation Update: Hurricane Dorian

    Be a part of the response: Pray Please pray for the communities that have been affected by or lie in the path of flooding. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need. ...

Situation Report: Hurricane Dorian

Be a part of the response: Pray Join us in prayer and partnership, and to help spread the word in your congregation. You can find additional resources for worship here. Give We invite you to stand by all the communities...

2017 Hurricanes: Two Years Later

In 2017, hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria swept through the United States and the Caribbean, causing widespread damage and interrupting the lives of millions. Two years later, Lutheran Disaster Response is still present, working in partnership with congregations, synods, social...