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ELCA Blogs

December Advocacy Update

Lutherans are taking action across the country! Below you will find our monthly State Advocacy Newsletter. Share with your friends!

A Message from the Rev. Stephen P. Bouman, ELCA Executive Director for Domestic Mission

On the 15th anniversary of 9-11 I posted from the first chapter of my new book, Baptized For This Moment.  The book traces the world which emerged from Ground Zero, fearful, divided, graceless.  I hope and pray that the book is helpful to congregations trying to find their voice and space in this public arena and its many manifestations of terror, racial violence, immigration, disaster, refugees, space for listening and engaging in new ways.  I hope and pray that the book will be an invitation to young adults to consider church as an institution supporting their desire to show up and make a difference in our polarized world.  Chapter Six deals directly with the Hunger Ministries, Advocacy, and how congregations can enter the public arena.  Blessed Advent to all.  If you follow this URL you will get the first chapter.  If you care to purchase the book use the code: JUSTICE for free shipping and 50% discount.

Any royalties will go to the domestic ministries of The ELCA Hunger Fund.  I am grateful to the Advocacy Network for your witness to the Gospel and its vision for justice in our world.

ELCA Advocacy Office, Washington, D.C.

The Rev. Amy Reumann, director

2016 ELECTIONS: Advocacy Director Amy Reumann offered an advocacy message on the 2016 election, highlighting stewardship of our common life together and looking ahead. The statement thanked Lutherans who took action for #ELCAvotes and advocacy intentions moving forward. Her statement can be shared on the ELCA Advocacy Blog.

Lutheran congresswomen Lois Capps, D-Calif, and Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., did not run for re-election and are retiring at the end of the year. All other incumbent Lutheran members of the House and Senate facing re-election won their respective seats in November. Joining the 115th Congress are newly elected Lutheran members Rep. Jack Bergman, R-Mich., and Rep. Lloyd Smucker, R-Pa.. The new members of Congress are now in D.C. for orientation and will begin their first session in January. ELCA Advocacy will hold meetings with newly elected officials at the start of the new Congress.

ADVOCACY ADVENT DEVOTIONS: Throughout Advent, ELCA Advocacy is releasing video devotions to connect our work with the life of the church. The videos are on the ELCA Advocacy Facebook page.

HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS: Congress is preparing to pass a final spending bill to fund the government in December, and support for housing and homeless programs are at risk for cuts. A congressional proposal for moving a “continuing resolution,” or a stalling plan that keeps federal funding flat for several months, would risk cutting many existing Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and affordable-housing contracts that keep families secure in stable homes. Inflation and rising housing costs across the U.S. are putting constraints on housing and homeless programs. HUD needs approximately a $1 billion increase just to keep existing programs and units open. ELCA Advocacy sent an action alert to support sustainable housing funding earlier this month.

For about 75 percent of extremely low-income renters, more than half of their monthly income must be spent on rent. This leaves very little money for food, healthcare, child care, transportation, and other vital day-to-day costs. Affordable housing and HUD programs can make the difference between fearing eviction and striving for greater economic mobility.

WATER JUSTICE IN FLINT: Republican leaders in Congress seem intent on passing financial support for Flint, Mich., and other cities facing lead crises by the end of the year. Aid to help repair lead pipes and water infrastructure, which was included in the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), has stalled in Congress due to an unrelated debate on the bill for Army Corps of Engineers projects. If the WRDA is not  passed by the end of December, Republican and Democratic leaders are discussing ways to tack the support onto the final government spending bill. Advocates can take action on this issue by visiting

UNITED NATIONS CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE: Ruth Ivory-Moore, policy director for environment and energy issues, returned from Marrakech, Morocco, this month following the U.N. Climate Change Conference meeting. International delegates began the process of implementing the Paris Agreement. Ruth’s reflection series and commentary on faith-based involvement is on the ELCA Advocacy Blog.  Negotiators worked on issues such as common timeframes for national climate pledges and goals for financing climate projects. By the conclusion, there was an overwhelming sense of resolve that addressing climate change globally will occur and that the process will not be deterred by any individual country or head of state. The next conference will be in Bonn, Germany.

Lutheran Office for World Community, United Nations, New York, N.Y.

Dennis Frado, director

U.N. INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: On Nov. 21, an “Orange201 the World” event took place to mark the beginning of the 16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, Nov. 25-Dec. 10. Panelists included representatives from U.N. Women, UNICEF, the U.N. Population Fund, the U.N. Development Programme, the World Bank and civil society organizations. Everyone involved emphasized the importance of action, as 1 in 3 women globally continues to suffer from domestic violence.

The panelists elaborated on many aspects of gender-based violence. Many emphasized a funding shortfall and the need for sustainable financing:  Even though the overall aid flows have increased, only about 8 percent of aid goes to gender-focused programs in affected countries and even less to women-led organizations.

ADDRESSING MIGRATION AROUND THE WORLD: On Nov. 22, Global Compact Modalities co-facilitators Mexico and Switzerland convened a meeting for members of civil society to discuss involvement in the 2017 global compact negotiations. More than 20 non-government organizations (NGO) representatives took the floor to discuss civil society involvement, including many of our ecumenical partners and a representative of the NGO Committee on Migration. Most speakers emphasized the importance of active civil society participation through regional and global consultations during every stage of the process, and increased transparency throughout the negotiations. A focus was placed on the inclusion of different migrant voices and vision, and the inclusion of differing intersectional identities – such as migrants with disabilities, and migrant children.


Mark Carlson, Lutheran Office of Public Policy

A NEW LEGISLATURE: The Capitol Christmas tree was lit and the California Legislature reconvened on Dec. 5.  Democrats 202achieved a two-thirds majority in each house in the November election. Although the debate was contentious, a resolution passed supporting immigrants to help counter the widespread fear and anxiety across the state, and legislation was introduced to train public defenders in immigration law and fund private attorneys to aid undocumented immigrants who are otherwise law-abiding and may face deportation.

THE ELECTION was generally positive for LOPP-CA ballot measure recommendations, including extension of the top personal-income tax rate on the wealthy, a ban on single-use plastic shopping bags, a school-bond measure and a higher tobacco tax. Disappointing exceptions were the defeat of an initiative to end the death penalty and narrow passage of one to speed up its implementation.203

CALIFORNIA INTERFAITH POWER & LIGHT COOL CLIMATE AWARDS IN OAKLAND: One of the highlights of November was the always-inspiring California Interfaith Power & Light Cool Climate Awards in Oakland, which recognize congregations and individuals making a difference in addressing climate change.  Mark serves on the group’s steering committee, as do G.L. Hodge, a pastor in the Bayview-Hunters Point area of San Francisco, and Juana Torres, who works for the Sierra Club in Los Angeles and is an alum of California Lutheran University (photo).


Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – Colorado

STATE ELECTIONS RECAP: Colorado’s Legislature remained under split control after the Nov. 9 elections. Republicans control the state Senate, 18-17, while Democrats increased their edge by three seats in the state House, 37-28. U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet was re-elected, as were all seven incumbent members of the House.

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado actively supported two ballot measures: Amendment 70 and Amendment T. Amendment 70, to increase the state minimum wage to $12/hour by 2020, passed by a wide margin, 55 percent to 45 percent. Unfortunately, Amendment T, a referred measure to eliminate an archaic exception to the ban on slavery, lost very narrowly, 50.2 percent to 49.7 percent. Supporters believe that many voters were confused by the language of Amendment T, and the original sponsor has vowed to try again with clearer language. Thank you to all the advocates who supported both amendments with us!

In addition to these measures, Colorado voters defeated proposals to establish a statewide health insurance system and an increase in tobacco taxes. Voters approved a measure that will make it harder to amend the state’s constitution in the future, as well as proposals to permit physician-assisted death for terminally ill people, to replace the caucus with a presidential primary, and to allow independent voters to vote in party primaries.

The LAM-CO Policy Committee met on Nov. 15 to approve the 2017 legislative agenda. We will be  addressing poverty, hunger, inequality, homelessness and harm to the environment, promoting the God-given dignity and value of every human being. Join us!


Tammy Walhof, Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota

2017 MINNESOTA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Republicans retained control of the House, and 23 new representatives join the body (12 R; 11 DFL). When combined with significant turnovers in the previous two elections, the number of relatively new members is quite high (2012: 42 new – 27 DFL, 15 R; 2014: 26 new – 21 R, 5 DFL).

2017 MINNESOTA SENATE: The Senate unexpectedly changed hands. Notably, eight long-term, powerful incumbents (6 DFL, 2 R) were voted out of power. Along with 12 retirements (8 DFL, 4 R) and one death (DFL), levels of issue knowledge and experience change significantly. There are 21 new senators (12 R, 9 DFL), including some previous representatives.


  • Housing: Affordable housing and related services saw significant bipartisan support over several years. House leadership in 2016 did not show the same bipartisan support, despite member backing. Relatively new members and leaders may need to be introduced to Minnesota’s housing crisis.
  • Clean energy: Legislation for renewable energy passed in 2007 with strong bipartisan support, resulting in Minnesota becoming a leader in wind, solar and energy efficiency. However, with turnovers, a majority of representatives and at least one-third of senators lack background on previous efforts and progress. Many from both parties still carry decades-old perceptions about technology, leading to attacks on standards that have already been reached or will be soon. Legislator education is needed!
  • Migration: Given campaign rhetoric, substantial work is anticipated with and for people of color and Muslims, including refugees and immigrants.

New Mexico

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry – New Mexico

204More than 80 advocates gathered on Nov. 5 for the annual LAM-NM Advocacy Conference in Albuquerque. This year’s conference was held at the parish of one of our advocacy partners, St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church. The keynote speaker was Dr. Nicholas Natividad from New Mexico State University who spoke about racism and the history of criminal justice on the border (See picture, left). Other breakout sessions covered the need for state revenue and no further cuts to the New Mexico budget, the need for the creation of the mid-level profession of dental therapist to help meet the dental needs of low-income New Mexicans, the situation regarding immigration in our state, and advocacy basics. Rep. Gail Chasey from Albuquerque was the lunch speaker.

205Director Ruth Hoffman traveled to El Paso, Texas, to present sessions about advocacy along with the206 Rev. Sam Brannon, our State Public Policy Office with Texas Impact at the Rocky Mountain Synod Border Conference Missional Gathering (See picture, left). The Border Conference includes congregations in southern New Mexico and in El Paso, Texas. Ruth also returned to the border area last week to present at a forum at Peace Lutheran Church in Las Cruces. She spoke about the upcoming legislative session and the LAM-NM Advocacy Agenda (See picture, right).


Nick Bates, Hunger Network in Ohio

LAME DUCK LOBBY DAY: Ohio faith leaders talked turkey and got to the “meat of the issue” this holiday season. Too many Ohioans are struggling to find food for their table, and unemployment compensation and other public investments are a moral covenant to help hard-working Ohio families survive today so that they can thrive tomorrow.

On Nov. 17, about 24 faith leaders came to Columbus for our Let’s Talk Turkey Advocacy Day. We grounded our morning in our faith with a brief litany and a chance to reflect on the call in Isaiah.

After centering ourselves on God’s call for justice in the world, it was time for us to get to work! Small teams were formed to 207study the issues of Ohio’s unemployment compensation system and Ohio’s upcoming state budget. Both of these policy issues can help families who are struggling have the resources they need to put food on the table and a stable roof over their head.

208Before we knew it, teams were leaving to cross the street to enter the Ohio Statehouse to meet with 19 legislative offices. Teams crisscrossed the Statehouse for four hours meeting with these legislators and their staffs. Faith leaders shared their personal stories, experiences and passion for justice with those who hold seats of power – calling on them to use their temporal authority to show mercy, justice and love for those who are hungry.

We are blessed to have so many faith leaders, because Ohio legislators are expected to introduce a new unemployment compensation bill next week. Hopefully the image of pastors, laity and handmade turkey art from the children of Emanuel Lutheran Church in Napoleon, Ohio, will stick with them this holiday season as they finish their work. Check out our blog and photos from the day!


Tracey DePasquale, Lutheran Advocacy – Pennsylvania                     

LAMPa Policy Council hosted its annual meeting with Pennsylvania bishops on Dec. 1 to adopt a biennial issue agenda and discuss how we can be public church in a post-election climate that shows Lutherans as politically divided as the rest of the country. LAMPa and Pennsylvania ELCA partners will work together to find ways to train leaders on guiding tough discussions based upon our common faith. We continue to move toward launching issue teams to engage the passion, expertise and lived experience of more Lutheran advocates. We believe this will increase our capacity, confidence and agility to act with urgency.

LAMPa is encouraging host sites in every synod for Trinity Institute 2017, March 22-24, on the theme of water justice and will provide advocacy opportunities for those events. Also related to water issues, LAMPa Director Tracey DePasquale has been invited to meet with natural resources, environmental protection and agriculture officials to shape policies around buffer zones that address economic sustainability and hunger.

Also in November, Tracey participated in the Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic Day of Dialogue in Harrisburg. The theme was “Rooted in Common Ground:  Our Universal Call to Care for Creation.”  It was a great opportunity to make connections with faith partners on climate change work in Pennsylvania.  She also attended Pennsylvania Power & Light’s annual conference in State College that linked climate justice and social justice, the Housing Alliance’s Homes Within Reach Conference. She has also been equipping congregations seeking information on offering sanctuary to immigrants facing possible deportation.

Southeastern Synod

Hilton Austin, Director                                                                                                                                                                                                                

SOUTHEASTERN SYNOD ADVOCACY TEAM: November was a busy month of meeting with our advocacy partners to 209determine our priorities for the 2017 legislative session, and that work continues this month. Until the transition of power takes place, it seems continued criminal justice reform is the only defined priority. We also had the opportunity to setup our advocacy exhibit at the Conference 3 gathering and to begin to form relationships with leaders from several congregations, as well as having some great conversation around advocacy.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Georgia voters passed a constitutional amendment to create a dedicated source of funding that will provide restorative services like safe housing, trauma 210counseling and medical treatment to child victims of sex trafficking without raising or creating any new taxes.

We are currently working on a two-session educational piece on advocacy to present to congregations. The first presentations will be Jan. 8 and Jan. 15; the Jan. 15 session will coordinate with the Martin Luther King Jr. celebration service. We will also be present for Martin Luther King Jr. Service Day on Jan. 16 and hope to coordinate with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service in an educational piece on refugee resettlement advocacy.


Samuel D. Brannon, Texas Impact

Climate advocates from Texas Impact and Texas Interfaith Power & Light participated in the 22nd annual United Nations global climate negotiations, known as COP22, in Marrakech, Morocco, last month. Leaders from more than 195 countries attended the Nov. 7-18 talks, which built upon progress made at 2015’s talks in Paris. Now that the Paris Agreement has been finalized, COP22, which has been named the “COP of Action,” focused on implementation.

211This year, staff participated as credentialed observers of the negotiations: Texas Impact’s executive director, Bee Moorhead, and her daughter, Oona, were credentialed through the Presbyterian Church (USA); Imaad Kahn was credentialed through U.S. Climate Action Network and partnered on this initiative with Green Muslims; and Yaira Robinson attended under the auspices of COEJL (Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life).212

Texas Impact staff had the pleasure of attending the event with Ruth Ivory-Moore, ELCA program director for environment and energy. They also connected with activists, scientists and religious leaders from around the world – bringing real-world climate justice stories home to Texas faith communities through videos, photos and blog posts in a special series called “Bridge to a Bright Climate Future.”


Kim Bobo, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy

About 400 people attended a “Standing Together” rally Sunday, Dec. 4, at the Third Street Bethel A.M.E. Church in Richmond to stand with those who have increasingly been targeted and marginalized and to demonstrate concern about the recent rise in hate speech, bias and division. The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy was one of the organizers of this event, along with the Interfaith Council of Greater Richmond, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, Richmond Hill, Richmond Peace Education Center, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church, Temple Beth-El, Unitarian Universalist Community Church, the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, Bon Secours Health Systems, the Virginia Council of Churches and the Virginia Muslim Coalition for Public Affairs.

This is a busy time for the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy. Our annual meeting is Dec. 15, and the annual Day for All People advocacy event will be Jan. 25 at the state Capitol, the General Assembly and Centenary United Methodist Church in Richmond. On Jan. 8, there will be a forum on wage theft in northern Virginia. The Center is working with at least two congregations in Richmond on plans to establish a Worker Center; there will be a planning meeting on Dec. 13 hosted by the Sacred Heart Center on that issue. VICPP’s Richmond chapter is working the city’s Office of Community Wealth Building to create a living wage certification program aimed at honoring, recognizing and promoting businesses that pay living wages.


Paul Benz, Faith Action Network

ANNUAL DINNER: Faith Action Network (FAN) had its sixth Annual Dinner on Nov. 20 with just a little more than 400 in attendance coming from approximately 75 faith communities as well as labor and community allies from around the Puget Sound (Picture left: FAN’s 2016 Annual Dinner). 214FAN gave out four awards to: the Rev. Dan Erlander, 215ELCA retired clergy; Bishop Larry Robertson from Emanuel Apostolic Church in Bremerton, Wash.; the Islamic Center of Mukilteo and allies, including congressman Rick Larsen (an ELCA member and Pacific Lutheran University graduate); and two FAN advocates for their amazing work representing FAN on successfully passing the minimum wage ballot initiative. (Picture right: Bishop Kirby Unti presents our award to the Rev. Dan Erlander.)

2017 LEGISLATIVE SESSION PREP: The 2017 state Legislature will convene on Jan. 9 for its 105-day session, which will likely last much longer. FAN’s Governing Board adopted our 2017 Legislative Agenda, which can be viewed at  . FAN is still working on some final interim meetings with elected officials this month and will host two pre-session gatherings for conversation regarding revenue, the basics of advocating with elected officials, and the FAN Legislative Agenda.216

ALLIES FOR NATIVE AMERICANS: In light of the 30th anniversary of a 1987 apology statement to area  American Indian tribes, FAN has been convening an Interfaith Allies group with the goal of building better relationships between tribes in our state and faith communities close to that particular tribe. This group has also been very active in networking with many religious leader trips to Standing Rock in North Dakota and doing advocacy here locally with elected officials, especially U.S. senators.


Cindy Crane, Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin

ADDRESSING HATE: LOPPW’s director is part of an interfaith coalition strategizing ways to address the harassment and bullying that have escalated since the election. LOPPW is also inviting people from around the state to help LOPPW collect both stories about harassment and positive stories about how schools and communities are addressing hate.

ECONOMIC JUSTICE: The director led for the second time a workshop on LOPPW’s new presentation on economic justice at Luther Memorial in Madison. The next week LOPPW had a second presentation on Care for God’s Creation at the same congregation.

LOPPW is part of a statewide Dignity at Work Coalition made up of secular and interfaith partners.  We met recently in Milwaukee to discuss where we might find traction in the current political climate and campaigns to move forward with.217

CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION: Meteorologist Bob Lindmeier drew more than 60 members of Luther Memorial in Madison to learn about climate change and actions to take.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: LOPPW’s director met for the first time with an ELCA task force to create worship materials to address human trafficking.

LOPPW’s director and Advisory Council member the Rev. Barb Girod were interviewed about the problem of sex trafficking for an hour cable television show, “Eye on Oshkosh.”


Reflexiones sobre las elecciones recientes

La reverenda Elizabeth Eaton, obispa presidente de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en America comparte en este video algunas reflexiones con los miembros de la ELCA. Este es el enlace:

Por favor, seleccione los subtítulos en español para la versión en español.  


December 11, 2016–Hope in the Waiting

Jay McDivitt, Waukesha, WI


Warm-up Question

What does “hope” mean to you? What makes you “hopeful”?

Hope in the Waiting

I’m looking for a “current event” to begin this week’s Faith Lens. I scroll through Google News. Wow. I think. This is a rough day in the life of the world.

On this day, the top stories are a plane crash that killed almost an entire Brazilian football (soccer) team. A fire is threatening to destroy Gatlinburg. Ohio State University is reeling from an attacker who wielded a car and a knife to injure 11 people before the police shot him dead.There’s also a bizarre story about a woman who stabbed her boyfriend after he let her drink her blood.

That’s today. Tomorrow’s newsfeed will probably look much the same (although hopefully with fewer “wannabe vampires”). Yesterday’s sure did. And here in the Northern Hemisphere, the days are getting shorter and shorter as the darkness grows.

I don’t know about you, but that makes me weary. I look for the good around me – and I find it, to be sure. I rejoice in my children’s giggles and listen to great music and connect with friends. But these days seem heavier than ever for some reason (many reasons), and it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by all the bad news. I could just turn it off – stop reading – and sometimes I do. Yet I believe it’s important to know what’s happening in the world, even if it’s often not very joyful.

Discussion Questions

  • How about you? Do you see/hear more good news or bad news these days? How much do you pay attention to “current events”?
  • What bad news have you heard lately? How does that make you feel?
  • What good news have you heard lately? How does that make you feel?

Third Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 35:1-10

James 5:7-10

Matthew 11:2-11

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.

Gospel Reflection

John is in prison.

shutterstock_446640136John had made a name for himself pointing the way to God’s brand new day, to the coming of the Messiah, to the dawn of the Kingdom. In the midst of a scary world of Roman oppression and uncertain futures, John had preached the people into a frenzy of hope: “God will fix this! God is coming soon!”

And the people listened. They flocked to him. When Jesus showed up, John pointed to him and said, “There he is! See – I told you!” And the people listened again.

But now, John is in prison. He will soon lose his head (literally).

This isn’t exactly what he and those who had listened to him were expecting. Is this what we’ve been waiting for?  So they send a note to Jesus: “Are you…really…the One? Seriously? Or should we wait for another?”

And Jesus responds: “Look around. What do you see? Darkness, sure… but what else? Things are happening – good things, great things – the stuff God promised long ago. Keep your eyes open. Look around. Tell John what you see.”

Indeed, Jesus points them back to the reading from Isaiah. God’s promised future begins with healing and wholeness, lives being restored. Water in the desert. “Be strong! Do not fear!” This is happening. God is building a superhighway through the middle of the desert to bring you home.

But notice the image here: A highway in the desert. In my part of the country we often say we have two seasons – winter and road construction. Building a highway takes time. The day doesn’t start with the sun blazing in the top of the sky – it teases and hints its way over the horizon with lightening blue, a touch of pink, a slowly emerging glow of yellow.

And so it is with hope. Hope is a lot of waiting. But it is an active waiting. It’s not just sitting around, giving into despair or just closing our eyes and pretending everything is fine. It is an open-eyed searching in the darkness for the hints and signs of light and life. It is recognizing a life transformed, a relationship reconciled, a person being made whole.

In Spanish, the same word (esperar) means “to hope” and “to wait.” That’s what Advent is about: waiting in the darkness with eyes opened up to see the signs of hope. Look around: God is making good on God’s promises. And thanks be to God for that.

Discussion Questions

  • How do you wait for something good to happen? What do you do? What do you feel? What happens when it takes longer than you thought it would?
  • How do you think John felt in prison? What do you think he thought and felt when he heard Jesus’ response to his question? How would you respond?
  • Sometimes it’s easier to wait for something – or to stay hopeful – when you’re with other people who are also waiting and hoping with you. How can you help other folks be hopeful these days? How can other folks help you?

Activity Suggestions

Either give one large piece of paper (11X17) to each person, or roll out a large banner for everyone to work on together. Write “ESPERAR” in the middle of the page or banner. Using magazines/newspapers and scissors/glue, markers/crayons, etc., depict what it means to wait and hope at the same time. One approach (just a suggestion) could be to start on one side of the paper with signs of darkness/fear/etc., and then move across the page with signs of light and hope. Take time to share what you did and talk about what you’re thinking/feeling.

Closing Prayer

O God for whom we wait, help us to be patient as we wait for the hope you bring. Keep our eyes open to see the good things you are already doing. Strengthen us to be strong for others, and to ask others for help while we wait. Bring your light and healing into every corner of creation. In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.


Fresh Waiting: Music for Advent


Today’s blog post is from Clayton Faulkner, Director of Worship, Music and Technology at Faith Lutheran Church in Bellaire, TX. 

If you’ve sung ELW #239-267 and are looking for some new worship music for Advent, try these on. These songs have been in rotation at Faith Lutheran in Bellaire, TX and work especially well for our band-led service.

Sing to the King, words and music by Billy Foote and based on an older hymn by Charles Silvester Horne. This song captures the eschatological themes of Advent well. The arrangement we use at Faith includes an additional original stanza that is left out of Foote’s version: “Souls will be saved from the burden of sin, doubt will not darken his witness within. Hell has no terrors, and death has no sting; love is victorious when Jesus is King.”

Immanuel, or as I like to call it, “From the Squalor of a Borrowed Stable” (taken from the first stanza). Words and music by Stuart Townend, who has had some controversy stemming from the new Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) hymnal. The four stanzas of this song give you a great narrative sweep of Christ’s birth, life, death, and return. We exclusively bring this song out every Advent. However, I do feel that the theology in this song needs a little tweaking to fit in our context. In the final stanza I change “hope of heaven or the fear of hell,” to “heav’n joins earth where God will dwell.”

Even So Come, words and music by Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram, and Jess Cates. This song has a driving 6/8 pulse that emphasizes the thematic elements of waiting, preparation, and longing. The bridge section lyrics, “God we wait, you’re coming soon” fit well alongside the words of John the Baptizer.




Advent Devotions Series: Second Sunday of Advent

This Advent season is an opportunity to reflect on what faithful advocacy means. Join the ELCA Advocacy in our Advent Devotions Series. Please share with friends and family.

This weeks devotional is given by Mark Carlson. He works at Lutheran Office of Public Policy.

The lectionary readings for this Sunday are:

  1. Isaiah 11:1-10
  2. Psalm Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19
  3. Romans 15:4-13
  4. Matthew 3:1-12



December 4, 2016–Prepare, Repent, and Bear Fruit


Stephanie Opsal, Farmington, NM


Warm-up Questions

  • Are you good at determining right from wrong (in your actions or in others’ actions)?
  • How do you make choices; what is your guide?

Prepare, Repent, and Bear Fruit

shutterstock_286988390A psychological research study published in April of this year suggests that children, from a very young age, can recognize and respond to people exhibiting negative behaviors.  An experiment commonly labeled “bribing babies with graham crackers” reveals evidence that children, ages 1-8 have a tendency to avoid interactions with persons exhibiting certain behaviors.

Children often show acceptance of another person by their willingness to receive gifts from them.  In step one, children ages 5-8 were offered one sticker from one character and multiple stickers from a second character.  They had to choose from which person they would accept gifts.  Not surprisingly, the kids accepted stickers from the one offering more.  Step two presented the same situation, except character one was a kind person and character two was a bully who hit kids at school.  In this case, 80% of kids preferred to take one sticker from a nice person rather than 2-8 stickers from a mean person.

A similar activity involved one-year-old infants.  With two equal puppet characters offering graham crackers, babies also accepted the one who was offering more of the snacks.  However, when puppet #1 acted out, hurting a lamb stuffed animal, and puppet #2 helped a lamb stuffed animal, babies chose to receive fewer crackers from the good-hearted giver (puppet #2).  This research suggests that people can recognize right moral actions from wrong ones and choose to deal with people who act kindly and justly, even if it means a personal cost of fewer gifts.

How do young kids know right from wrong?  Have they learned already, or do they innately understand?  God said he has “written the law on their hearts…while their conscience also bears witness…” (Jeremiah 31:33, Romans 2:15, Hebrews 10:16).  As we see in the gospel reading, John the Baptist bears witness that God can see into immoral hearts, despite our efforts to hide our intentions.

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think of this research?  Were you surprised to read this?  (Full article: )

  • The research also suggests that subjects will “do business” with the less attractive giver if the reward for doing so is particularly high (16 stickers).  Does this suggest that everyone has a price?  At what point are you willing to “deal with the devil?”  What are your limits beyond which you will not go?
  • Have you ever interacted with a person or situation that simply did not feel right? Do you think this had to do with your inner sense of right v. wrong?
  • Do you avoid people with questionable character? Why?  Do you think you should?

Second Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 11:1-10

Romans 15:4-13

Matthew 3:1-12

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.


Gospel Reflection

In today’s passage, Jesus had not yet appeared on the scene at the Jordan River, but John the Baptist was busy preparing the people for His arrival.  John lived a life very different from the culture.  He ate locusts and wild honey in the desert and wore clothes of camel’s hair.  More important, he lived humbly as a servant of God, while some religious leaders lived greedy, self-promoting lives.  This stark contrast drew people to his message.

John’s message proved counter-cultural.  He proclaimed the coming of the Lord and called leaders and common people alike to repent of their sins and be baptized.  Many call him the first true prophet in 400 years.  His focus on praising God alone and boldly speaking the truth caught people’s attention.  He did not seek “followers of John” but rather people prepared to follow the coming Christ.  John’s message challenged those who lived self-righteous lives which looked good but were rooted in wrong motivations.  God desires that our obedience arise out of love for Him, rather than out of a desire to complete a checklist of superficially pious actions.  John baptized people to signify a person’s public confession of sin and repentance, an outward sign of inner cleansing of the heart.

Unfortunately, not every people group who visited John wanted baptism for the right reasons.  Some believed they were righteous without any need to change their attitudes.  They did not see their imperfection and looked down on “sinners,” treating others poorly and acting to promote their own interests instead of God’s.  John called them out, warning them that God has the power to save or destroy, and the way a person lives and acts reflects their inward beliefs about God.

We are called to live aware of our need for Jesus and to “produce good fruit,”(3:8) from the heart in response to all He has done for us.  Verse 10 of Matthew 3 states: “…every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”

The passage closes with a reminder than John’s baptism was to prepare people for Jesus’ coming.  Soon, the true Lord Jesus would baptize them also with the Holy Spirit., giving His life for others.

Discussion Questions

  • Have you been baptized? What does baptism mean to you?
  • Do you practice what you preach? Do your actions show what you believe?
  • Why do you think John looked different than other religious leaders?
  • Lutheran have confessed that we are all simultaneously saint and sinner, always imperfect but ever beloved by God.  How do you think John would have responded to that insight?

Activity Suggestions

  • Matthew 3 describes how John looked and ate.  Use the Bible’s words to draw a picture of your interpretation of John the Baptist.  Next to it, draw a picture of a pastor or religious leader as you would generally picture him or her.  Compare pictures among yourselves and discuss why John may have looked and lived so differently from other priests or leaders.
  • Act out the story of Matthew 3, including roles of John (the Baptizer), a humble person who wants to repent and be baptized, an arrogant Pharisee, and a popular Sadducee. Add your own ad lib commentary and emotions.

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus,  we praise you for showing evidence of your coming throughout the Bible and through people such as John the Baptist.  Guide us to live lives that line up with your teaching and reflect our inner devotion to you and gratitude for all you have done for us.  Thank you for coming to save us.  In your holy name, we pray. Amen.


World AIDS Day Worship Resources


Today’s blog post is from Megan Neubauer, Interim Program Associate for the ELCA Strategy on HIV and AIDS.


Each year, December 1st marks World AIDS Day; a day to commemorate all of those who have and continue to be affected by HIV and AIDS. The day is a powerful one to remember, but also a day to look, with hope, toward the future. This year marks 35 years since the first reported case of what would come to be known as AIDS in the United States by the Centers for Disease Control. Since that time, we have learned much more about effective treatment and prevention. However, there is much progress to be made. HIV continues to affect many in our communities and throughout the world, including more than 1.2[i] million people in the United States alone, and approximately 36.7[ii] million worldwide.

In 2009 the Church Council passed the ELCA Strategy on HIV and AIDS. In it, we outlined the many ways that we must respond. Together we are called to reflection, and we are called to action. This year on World AIDS Day, let us join in prayer, worship and reflection for HIV and AIDS in our community. This church can be a resounding voice in speaking out against stigma and discrimination; Let us examine how we become or maintain a welcoming community for all affected. In remembering World AIDS Day in our worship, we continue to raise awareness. December 1st is a day we join in prayer, reflection and remembrance, and we go forth renewed to continue the response.

World AIDS Day worship resources are now available at


If your congregation will be commemorating World AIDS Day or wishes to integrate commemoration into your Sunday worship on Dec. 4th, prayers, a brief healing rite, hymn suggestions and more worship components are available here.



[i] Centers for Disease Control, 2016. HIV in the United States: At A Glance [10/5/2016].

[ii] UNAIDS, 2016. Fact Sheet 2016[10/5/2016]


Save the Dates: Worship at the Center Events




Worship at the Center events give you the opportunity to explore topics and rites of worship in the church through worship, presentations and workshops. They are designed for pastors, musicians, worship teams and anyone else interested in vibrant worship in their communities.

Mark your calendars for:

Worship at the Center: Engaging Worship and Culture, Feb. 19-21, 2017, Santa Monica, California


Worship at the Center: Exploring the Occasional Services, April 30-May 2, 2017, New Haven, Connecticut

Registration is $40 per person with a maximum of $100 per congregation.

More information is available on the ELCA Worship Facebook page under “Upcoming Events.” (



Advent Devotions Series: First Sunday of Advent

This Advent season is an opportunity to reflect on what faithful advocacy means. Join the ELCA Advocacy in our Advent Devotions Series. Please share with friends and family.

This weeks devotional is given by Tammy Walhof. She works at Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota.

The lectionary readings for this Sunday are:

  1. Isaiah 2:1-5
  2. Psalm 122
  3. Romans 13:11-14
  4. Matthew 24:36-44



November 27, 2016–Change is Coming

Scott A. Moore, Erfurt, Germany


Warm-up Question

What do you need to do in order to get ready for school (or a trip)?

Change is Coming

shutterstock_141318316Once again we are in the weeks leading up to a transition of administrations. There are many situations a new, inexperienced White House staff will encounter in the weeks and months to come. Press releases, motorcades, and the State of the Union address are some of the easier ones. The President, Vice-President, and others in the White House need to be prepared for any and everything. The two last presidents had to deal with crises in their respective first years of office that no one could have known would happen.  For President Bush, it was 9/11 just nine months after taking office and for President Obama, there was a Swine flu outbreak and Somali pirates.

Preparing for pirates was not on anyone’s agenda, but the Obama administration was able to respond to the flu outbreak because President Bush’s team had prepared them with their experiences learned from dealing with the Avian flu a few years earlier. Aside from such catastrophes and all the various natural disasters that can happen, each administration needs to be adequately prepared for major cataclysmic events such as nuclear war. This is also something the White House teams will practice in the coming months so that should anything happen, the President and his team will be able to continue to provide the necessary leadership.

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think is most difficult part about being the president in a time of crisis?
  • When is information from the White House in such times of crisis “too much”?
  • When have you looked to the leadership of someone in a time of crisis (president or otherwise)?
  • What would you want to know in the event of major cataclysm: meteor crashing to earth, terrible unstoppable plague, nuclear war, … zombie apocalypse?

First Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 2:1-5

Romans 13:11-14

Matthew 24:36-44

(Text links are to Oremus Bible Browser. Oremus Bible Browser is not affiliated with or supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. You can find the calendar of readings for Year B at Lectionary Readings

For lectionary humor and insight, check the weekly comic Agnus Day.


Gospel Reflection

Happy New Church Year! The first Sunday in Advent (from Adventus=coming). It is a time of getting ready for the joy of Christmas. Longer and cooler nights for us in the Northern hemisphere mean a chance to get cozy and start thinking about the beautiful decorations, the sharing of good food and gifts, and what in the heck is this text doing here? Why on earth would we want spoil the mood before it really gets going with this? Jesus talking about all the destruction of the Great Flood is a serious downer. And, if Jesus thinks he will lift our spirits by sharing with us that the Son of Man coming again will take some and leave others standing, he is sorely mistaken. Okay, the hearers of this text have an advantage over those in the time of Noah. Whoosh, rain and floods and destruction were sent without any real warning. This time around there is a warning: be ready! The Son of Man is coming—like a thief in the night. Advent is a big yay for Jesus coming as a cute little baby, the big Word of God in a tiny bit of flesh; and it’s a big uh oh for Jesus coming again at some point in the future. We are on pins and needles if we think on it and sit with it.

So if we take Jesus’ promise in this text seriously, we need to be prepared. How do we do that? What does it mean for us to be awake and aware and ready for when Jesus comes? It has been about 2,000 years since these words of Jesus were shared. If it hasn’t happened now, should we really worry that it’s going to happen in our lifetimes? This text calls us to vigilance. It is exactly that kind of “it’s not going to happen anyway” thinking that this text wants to prevent. We can’t sleep—in the spiritual awareness kind of way. At the same time, we can’t get caught up in trying to predict the signs because this text (and others like it) tell us: like a thief in the night. We just don’t know. The angels in heaven don’t know. The Son doesn’t even know. We will never be able to predict it so we shouldn’t bother with that. Our energy is not to be spent on figuring out when Jesus is coming but figuring out how to be ready.

Discussion Questions

  • How do you get ready for Jesus’ coming? And, how do you stay ready?
  • What does it mean for you when you recite the words of the Creeds, “he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.”?
  • “Advent” means coming.  How do you experience God coming each day?

Activity Suggestions

Fire Drill:

Walk through the fire drill plan for your location. Maybe even walk through to the other classrooms and ask them if they know their fire escape routes. Learning to be ready in every day situations can help raise awareness for the spiritual kind of readiness talked about in the Gospel reading for the day.

Closing Prayer

Reflect on the following poem and then join in the responsive prayer.  How does this poem change how you see God coming and our preparation for that coming?

Making the House Ready for the Lord

Dear Lord, I have swept and I have washed but

Still nothing is as shining as it should be

for you.  Under the sink, for example, is an

uproar of mice—it is the season of their

many children.  What shall I do?  And under the eaves

and through the walls the squirrels

have gnawed their ragged entrances—but it is the season

when they need shelter, so what shall I do?  And

the raccoon limps into the kitchen and opens the cupboard

while the dog snores, the cat hugs the pillow;

what shall I do?  Beautiful is the new snow falling

in the yard and the fox who is staring boldly

up the path, to the door.  And still I believe you will

come, Lord: you will, when I speak to the fox

the sparrow, the lost dog, the shivering sea-goose, know

that really I am speaking to you whenever I say,

as I do all morning and afternoon:  Come in, Come in.

–Mary Oliver–

Closing Prayer (from ELW Evening Prayer)

Leader:           The Spirit and the church cry out:

All:                  Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Leader:           All those who await his appearance pray:

All:                  Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Leader:           The whole creation pleads:

All:                  Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

