Pastor Reg Schultz-Akerson quotes Matthew 5 at a Season of Prayer event held at Faith Lutheran Church in Chico, California. Photo credit: James Henson
In solidarity with our brothers and sisters serving, working, and living in Sudan, the ELCA encourages you to pray for peace for all of Sudan as South Sudan approaches its independence from the North on July 9th, 2011.
Here is a prayer shared by Faith Lutheran Church in Chico, Calif.:
Abba, heavenly Father,
On behalf of the community of Chico, California allow our voices to be heard in unison with others across this nation and across the world. We pray for peace and self-determination for our brothers and sisters in South Sudan as they begin the Good Works as people of a new nation.
Lord hear our prayers:
Let the land yield crops; not land mines.
Lord hear our prayers:
Grant that the people of South Sudan may dig wells for water; not graves for their children from violence and war.
Lord hear our prayers:
Grant that both adults and children may be free to pick up pencils to write rather than pick up guns to kill.
Finally, God may the words of your prophet Isaiah come true so that the South Sudanese and all peoples begin to “beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” (Isaiah 2:4)
In Jesus name we pray.