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ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

ServantLife: Making a Difference


Friday was the second day of the ServantLife events–JJJ youth going out into the New Orleans community to help out in countless different ways.  Ms. Pitts, a resident of the Lower 9th Ward, spoke with me yesterday about the impact of just one of the many service-minded groups: “Since we got back here in ’06…we’ve been, you know, trying to get our house together and everything.  And by the grace of God we’re getting everything together, and hopefully we’ll finish soon.”

This house was a part of a broad field of largely empty lots.  Youth Gathering participants spent a muggy morning gathering 4-year-old Katrina refuse that still remains scattered across the Lower 9th Ward, as well as bringing the waist-height grasses under control.

“They’re helping us out tremendously.  They’re picking up a lot of the debris that [was] around, and they’re cutting the grass.  They’re helping us out–that’s all I can say.  It’s been a blessing, and I thank them so very much,” Pitts added.

How do the youth feel about the task they were given?

“We’re cleaning up so the city doesn’t take these peoples’ land away from them.  They say they’re wanting to make this into big warehouses and stuff.  We’re trying to get people back to their homes.”

“It’s hot, but, I mean, it’s good work.  Good to know that you’re doing something to help other people, and it makes you feel good.


This afternoon, I was handed the following letter from the St. Bernard Parish President.  (St. Bernard Parish, just southest of New Orleans, still displays the devastating effects of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina.)

Dear Orange-Shirt Brigade (Youth Volunteers),

I wanted to take a quick moment to welcome you to St. Bernard Parish and to let you know how much we as citizens of this great community appreciate you giving of yourself to assist us in rebuilding our community.

As you arrive at your various work sites, it may seem as though there is less need for help than one may have thought but keep in mind that we have a long way to go to recover our community to pre August 29, 2005 status.  Your efforts today will help more than you know and the true value of your time and energy is your gift of allowing our community to take another step toward uniting and reuniting families, friends, and neighbors.

I do offer one specific challenge to you.  our recovery has been divinely inspired over the last almost four years and the blessing is that the presence of Christ has been overwhelming since Hurricane Katrina.  As you go about your good wo0rks this week, I challenge you to find Christ in the activity that you do and the places and people you encounter- Your time as a volunteer may just turn into something that only He can make happen.

Thanks again for your partnership and God Bless you.


Craig P. Taffaro, Jr.

St. Bernard Parish President

Free hugs…?

The Youth Gathering has given rise to a number of traditions.  For example, every prayer session, from the Dome on down to ServantLife blessings, begins with “The Lord be with you,” “And also with you.”  But not all of the traditions are so formal.

A certain fad has been circulating for quite some time in public places worldwide: “Free hugs.”  The Free Hugs Campaign has apparently made its way to the Youth Gathering, as evidenced by fairly common handmade signs.

As of Friday, free hugs were no longer on the cutting edge: some Gathering participants have begun offering “Deluxe Hugs” for $1.  Shrewd marketing, but no word yet on what makes a “deluxe” hug.

High-fives between JJJ attendees–particularly as an introduction or between those who don’t know each other–are also common.

And just this morning, I met a JJJ volunteer on a smile campaign–asking everyone in sight to “give him a smile” and rewarding them with high-fives.  It made for a good way to add a little optimism to a roomful of JJJ youth still clearing the sleep out of their eyes.  (What little sleep they got, that is.)

Planting hope


This pickup carrying Lutherans was spotting driving town Tenneessee Ave. in the historic Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans.  How did I know they were Lutheran? Youth Gathering teens wear orange T-shirts on their work project day. The shirts say, “Lutheran youth.”


Nick Stanford

How many Lutherans does it take to dig a plant hole? These Iowans laugh as the question is put to them. Nick Stanford of Grinnell, Iowa, digs while his friends watch. (more…)

Lutheran fashion statements


“I’m with Jesus”


Servants’ Departure

Lutheran youth have been pouring by the thousands into ServantLife projects throughout the city.  Listen to their thoughts on service as they go out to do God’s work with their hands: