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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

Jesus, Justice, Jazz & Blogging

Welcome to the ELCA’s Summer 2009 event blog!  This is your one-stop shop for all things related to Youth Gathering 2009: Jesus, Justice, Jazz.  You’ll find news on the Gathering events, info on speakers and performers, and links to everything you want to know before you go.  (Don’t forget to weigh in and hear from other attendees by commenting here, of course.)  And that’s just before the Gathering gets underway.

Things will get even more interesting around here once JJJ begins.  This very blog will be host to you and everything you do in New Orleans.  Everyone you left behind to tend the home fires can visit the blog (every day–or even more often) to keep up on all the great things you’ll be part of at the Gathering.  Look for the stories of your ServantLife contributions; collections of your feedback on all the speakers, musicians, and other entertainers; and videos of anything and everything happening down on the Bayou.

To start things off, here’s a great collection of JJJ links you might not have visited yet:

  • Keep up with everything in New Orleans by following @ELCAYouth on Twitter–updated throughout the Gathering!
  • (If you’re into Twitter, you can also keep tabs on all sorts of things related to the Gathering with the hashtag #JJJ09.)
  • Join the Gathering group on Facebook.
  • Check out the full list of speakers and performers – and come back later for some feature articles on them.
  • Be ready to get packed for the trip.
  • Print off maps and read up on background info at the ELCA’s Learn about New Orleans page.