– Ryan P. Cumming
In a world that seems unchanging with so many challenges, it can be hard to believe that change is possible. But “We are a church founded on change.”
We are a church committed to sharing in the work that God is doing to transform our world. All those who hunger can be fed. Everyone living in poverty can one day have enough.
This year, youth across the ELCA have the chance to be part of that change through the ELCA World Hunger’s Global Farm Challenge—a challenge to raise $500,000 to support communities around the world and here at home through gifts given at and ahead of the ELCA Youth Gathering.
At the Gathering in Houston, youth and adults will have a chance to experience for themselves God’s grace at work through ELCA World Hunger’s exhibit in the Interactive Learning space. Here, they will learn about Paul, a farmer from Central African Republic, who was given a scholarship to learn about sustainable farming in Japan and brought his education back to serve his community at home. They will learn about Lince, a mother of five children, who found a way to afford their education and meet their needs by raising pigs given to her by ELCA World Hunger’s partner in Indonesia.
- Paul learns about raising goats during his time in Japan.
- Lince, a mother in Indonesia, receives a piglet from ELCA World Hunger’s partner.
They will hear about refugees in the United States, indigenous families in Malaysia, and so many other farmers whose lives have been changed because “a church founded on change” accompanied them.
To learn more about how you can be part of this change, take a look at ELCA World Hunger’s Global Farm Challenge brochure. Our church will be working throughout 2018 to raise the gifts needed to support this work. I hope you can be part of it, and I hope to see you in Houston this year!
Ryan P. Cumming, Ph.D., is Program Director for Hunger Education with ELCA World Hunger.