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ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

Gathering Interviews: Meet Christopher

As the Gathering is just over 100 days away, the blog editor thought this would be a great chance to interview those who have attended previous Gatherings, those who are looking forward to the upcoming Gathering in Houston, and those who will be serving in different ways at Mass Gathering. Keep reading the blog–more interviews are to come!

Meet Christopher Bautista. He attends Emanuel Lutheran Church in Dallas, TX. Christopher went to MYLE and the Gathering in Detroit in 2015 and will be at MYLE and the Gathering in Houston in 2018.

Tell the Gathering blog readers a little bit about yourself.
I am a junior in high school. I play football and I also play clarinet in band.

Where do you see God most active in your life?
I see God most in my life when I play football. It is a group of people working together, being on a team, and working for a common goal.

What is your favorite thing about your church/ faith community?
My favorite thing about my church is how we always come together, serve others around the church and in the community, and have fun together.

What are you most looking forward to at MYLE?
I’m looking forward to getting to know people from different parts of the country. There will be people there with different experiences than me and we can learn from each other.

The theme for MYLE is “One.” How does this theme and this word connect with you as a member of the church? 
We’re all here for each other and work together to be one. Even though everyone is their own person, nobody is alone.

What is your biggest hope for you when you come home from MYLE?
I hope to share with others what I learned from my experiences at MYLE.

With the theme “One” and your hopes and expectations for MYLE, what is your biggest hope for your church/ faith community when you return from Houston?
My hope for us going to MYLE is that we can come back more like family as well as friends and bring that home to our church.

Gathering for the Global Farm Challenge

– Ryan P. Cumming

In a world that seems unchanging with so many challenges, it can be hard to believe that change is possible. But “We are a church founded on change.

We are a church committed to sharing in the work that God is doing to transform our world. All those who hunger can be fed. Everyone living in poverty can one day have enough.

This year, youth across the ELCA have the chance to be part of that change through the ELCA World Hunger’s Global Farm Challenge—a challenge to raise $500,000 to support communities around the world and here at home through gifts given at and ahead of the ELCA Youth Gathering.

At the Gathering in Houston, youth and adults will have a chance to experience for themselves God’s grace at work through ELCA World Hunger’s exhibit in the Interactive Learning space. Here, they will learn about Paul, a farmer from Central African Republic, who was given a scholarship to learn about sustainable farming in Japan and brought his education back to serve his community at home. They will learn about Lince, a mother of five children, who found a way to afford their education and meet their needs by raising pigs given to her by ELCA World Hunger’s partner in Indonesia.

They will hear about refugees in the United States, indigenous families in Malaysia, and so many other farmers whose lives have been changed because “a church founded on change” accompanied them.

To learn more about how you can be part of this change, take a look at ELCA World Hunger’s Global Farm Challenge brochure. Our church will be working throughout 2018 to raise the gifts needed to support this work. I hope you can be part of it, and I hope to see you in Houston this year!


Ryan P. Cumming, Ph.D., is Program Director for Hunger Education with ELCA World Hunger.


From Newbie to Prepared

– Shelbe Kukowski

I’m pretty new to this whole “youth leader” thing. In fact, I ended up winning an award at the most recent Youth Ministry Network Extravaganza for working with youth the least amount of time (only three months). This newness is why it was so important for me to attend the Extravaganza in Houston—it not only served as a learning and equipping workshop weekend for me, but it also allowed me to enroll in the “How to have a Great Gathering” Intensive Care Course (ICC).

The ICC was a two-day course led by very knowledgeable teachers (who happen to sit on the planning committee for the Gathering!) that went through the history of the Gathering, what to expect, how to prepare youth for attending such a life-changing event, and hosted a panel of speakers so we could see, hear, and ask questions directly to the Gathering staff.

What’s some of the stuff we learned? How about the most common reasons youth end up in the medical tent?

  1. Hurt toes: make sure youth wear closed toed shoes.
  2. Dehydration: make sure youth are drinking water at least every hour…you too.
  3. Upset GI: if someone needs privacy to poop in a hotel room, get their roommates out the door!

I know, I know. You’re laughing, but as a newbie I needed all of that veteran advice. The ICC teachers were very serious when informing us of the “troublesome three.”

Not all of the ICC was classroom work, though! We took buses around the city and listened to local guides tell the history of Houston.

Did you know Houston is the most diverse city and fourth most populous city in the United States? Or that there is an underground pedestrian tunnel system? Or that all of us going to the Gathering will book up almost every single hotel room in the city? Neither did I.

We drove through The Galleria, stopped by NRG Park, rode the METRORail, and saw many of the beautiful art murals found throughout the city.

Overall, I entered the ICC as a Gathering newbie and left the course prepared to lead youth to Houston this summer.


Shelbe Kukowski  is a newbie youth adult leader in Seattle, WA and is super excited to attend the Gathering with youth from Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church. 

God’s Ripple Effect

– Nicolle Layman

The Youth Gathering has always held a special place in my life. My first Gathering was in 2006 in San Antonio, TX. I still remember standing in the stadium and feeling overcome with emotion, surrounded by 36,000 others worshiping God. I never experienced anything like it. Little did I know that God was planting seeds in my heart, which began to be cultivated over the next few years.

Flash forward to 2009 in the Superdome in New Orleans. I just graduated high school and was planning to attend a Christian university in the fall to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Youth Ministries. I was absolutely terrified by this call, questioning if I could make any impact at all. Looking around at my fellow Christians in the stadium, the Holy Spirit stirred in me once again and gave me the courage to continue pursuing God’s call to ministry. 

I am now preparing to attend my fifth Gathering in Houston in 2018. It will be my second time as a Primary Leader. I would have never guessed that back in 2006 in San Antonio that I’d be returning to Texas 12 years later to provide this life-changing experience to more of the incredible youth I serve. There is nothing like the Gathering and the impact it continues to have in my life, and now the lives of my youth. It is a beautiful ripple effect that God has orchestrated, and it is what I’m looking most forward to in Houston—seeing God’s work in the hearts of my youth and the youth of the ELCA. 


Nicolle Layman has served as the Director of Family and Youth Ministries at Calvary Lutheran Church for the past five years and is currently pursuing her Masters in Clinical Counseling at Cairn University.

A Home Can Change Everything

– Chris Heavner 

I love coming to the Gatherings and staying in a hotel!  My family didn’t stay in hotels that much (even now, I snatch all the tiny shampoo bottles for my kids).  This luxury would probably not be so thrilling if my stay only reminded me that I lack a permanent place to sleep.  For too many families, “home” is a couch in the home of a friend or relative.  For too many of God’s children, it is a dream to have a thermostat which controls the temperature and a bathroom with running water. 

“This Changes Everything” about the way we understand our stay in the hotels in Houston. Those of us staying in the hotels will “change everything” about the lives of three Houston families. 

Three Habitat for Humanity Houses will be constructed in the Interaction Center. Youth will swing the hammers that will frame the walls for bedrooms, kitchens, and living rooms.  I love coming to the Gathering knowing that a part of me and my heart will stay in the hosting city when I am gone.  

This is the fourth Gathering at which such a project has been one of the Interaction Center offerings.  The leadership is provided by Lutheran Campus Ministry and Lutheran Disaster Response. Twelve college students for whom Lutheran Campus Ministry has become an avenue for civic and community engagement will be serving as crew leaders. In addition to the work completed in Houston, we will tell you how you can organize similar projects in the places you call home. 

I love coming to the Youth Gatherings and meeting folks from across our country and our Church.  And I love working with you to change so many things in the city which serves as our host. 


Chris Heavner is campus pastor at Clemson University in South Carolina. This will be his eighth Gathering. He also serves as the faculty advisor for Clemson’s Habitat for Humanity, with whom he as built thirty-three homes.

MYLE: Gathering as One

– Branden Hunt

The theme for MYLE in 2018 is One.

We must all come together as one. We must all move forward together as one. Yet coming together as one does not mean that groups of people must give up their culture in the process.

There is room for all people at God’s table to come exactly as they are.

There are different communities of people in the ELCA that each bring their own stories and experiences to the table, but for a lot of communities, there can be the feeling that something must be given up in order to fit in.

Our hope for MYLE this year is that we can talk about how we are one in Christ, and one in Christ with different gifts and abilities.

A young person of color can be a part of a community, but they do not have to give up who they are. In fact, they have so much to bring to the God’s table. One of the daily themes is “One Body, Many Parts,” in which we will explore with young people the gifts that they have for the world. These gifts need to be shared with the world to make it a better place.

Our hope for our church and our world is not that we just come together as one, but rather, we come together as one in such a way that every culture’s unique gifts are lifted up and no one has to lose their identity. Our hope is that everyone is accepted for who they are. If we are able to come together in such a way… it can change the church and the world.