What Will Your Perspective Be?
– Tony Acompando I am Tony Acompanado, a member of the Mass Gathering Team for the 2018 Youth Gathering in Houston. I am humbled and super excited for the opportunity to be returning for a third cycle to serve on...
A Lutheran Pilgrimage
– Mark England Why do we go to the ELCA Youth Gathering? I wonder this as I think about all of the time we will spend fundraising, the energy we will spend organizing, and all of the logistics involved in...
Gatherings: Life-Changing Events
– Sherry Ferne After graduating from Central High School in January, 1961, I worked at the State of Ohio Library. I was saving money for college at Capital University and also to attend the 1961 Luther League Convention in Miami...
Reflections on Gathering Experiences
– Tara Gilbert I had the amazing opportunity to attend two Gatherings as an adult leader with our youth group at Trinity Lutheran in Marysville, Ohio: San Antonio and Detroit. There are many places where I saw Jesus at work...
MYLE: God Through Different Lenses
– Sessen Stephanos I first found out about MYLE in 2012. My youth director, Brianna pitched the idea to me when I was 14 and I was adamant that I did not want to attend. Looking back on it, I...
Gathering Abundance and God’s Amazing Grace
– Matt Staniz One of the biggest ways that I have seen the Gathering transform the lives of young people is by inspiring them to become generous disciples who care about the needs of others and find ways to respond....