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ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

Make Yourself Heard.


Similar to how God brought Jonah to Nineveh, I felt dragged to the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit. I loved church, but doubted whether the ELCA was right for me. I was one of the only young Lutherans regularly active in my congregation and community. Older members dominated the conversation. Could I be a leader in this church?

The worship, speakers, and people that I experienced that week forever transformed my life. Jesus was present in every moment. Young people are not an afterthought in the Church. We are the Church here and now. The week’s theme “Rise Up Together” became a call to action in my life and completely changed my perspective.

Upon returning home, I claimed my faith as my own. I started reading my Bible more and doing what I could to keep that flame of the Holy Spirit from the Gathering burning in my heart. When seats came open on my congregation’s council, I was encouraged to run for one – and I won. I was the youngest person ever elected. All of the sudden, my voice and those of my young friends were heard on all issues – not just those related to youth. God equipped me and surrounded me with wonderful people as I grew as a leader and child of God.

I eventually got the opportunity to go to an ELCA Youth Leadership Summit and then to the 2018 Gathering. I now attend an ELCA college and am a leader in our campus ministry. I’m also involved in the ELCA Young Adults Abide program. Church is where your life happens. It is a community that should reflect all people, and that includes young people like you and me. Take and make every opportunity to get involved – you won’t regret it. God will guide your every step. The Church isn’t the Church without you and your voice. Make yourself heard.


Ethan Roberts is a junior at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. He enjoys running, reading, and having fun with friends. He loves experiencing God through the ELCA and all of its ministries!

The week that changed my life.


The 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering is a trip I will forever remember. As I reflect on my experience, the memories fill my mind and joy surrounds me. Participating in worship with over 30,000 young people, gardening a prayer labyrinth, exploring the Interactive Learning space, and connecting with youth from across the country were some of the best experiences ever. 

The theme, This Changes Everything, was integrated into every activity and service which I attended and it continues to empower me each and everyday through my endeavors. Since the Gathering, my faith has grown in so many ways and I patiently wait until we can do it all over again. I look forward to experiencing and seeing the new ways in which God is working through me and all of my siblings in Christ.

Throughout my life, my home congregation, Trinity Lutheran Church, has placed many opportunities in front of me to become a leader not only in my church but also in the ELCA. The Gathering allowed me to learn about the programs and services within the larger church and how I, as a young person, can get more involved to expand my love for ministry and service.

I am currently serving on the ELCA Youth Core Leadership team which has further given me the keys to connect and build relationships with youth from across the country and strengthen my leadership skills. Becoming a leader in the church is a true gift from God and I cherish my ability to share those gifts with the people of God.  

The ELCA is a church of love, hope and service, and I pray that the young people in the congregations will get to experience the Gathering like I did. Young people matter and the work we contribute brings new perspectives to this church. Like Bishop Eaton said at the 2019 Churchwide Assembly, “Youth are not just the future of our church, they are the church today.” 

Kendyll Ward is a high school youth who serves on the ELCA Youth Core Leadership team. She loves to share her gifts and passions with the church in hopes to inspire people through her ministry.

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone


The first thing that comes to mind when I think about volunteering with the Gathering is stepping outside of my comfort zone. It was an unexpected invitation that pulled me out of my day-to-day cycle and reminded me of the variety of talents and gifts God creates in me to love, support and connect to my neighbors.

When times came that challenged my energy level or my ability level, walking through the week with hundreds of other people who had offered up their own vacation time, jobs, families to create an event for the young people of our church, made me pause and remember how great God is.

Volunteering provided me the opportunity to serve with folks from all walks of life like college students between semesters, parents giving back to the Gathering they attended as youth, pastors on vacation, and others that felt the call to give of their talents as a chance to help others grow. Serving alongside those people, I still recall the goosebumps I got from being on the floor of NRG Stadium as tens of thousands of youth and adults lit up water bottles with glow-sticks, flashlights, and cell phones and swayed to the music in a kaleidoscope of colors and movement.

It’s these types memories and interactions that I stock up on to remind myself that volunteering and giving of myself is so crucial to my spiritual life and my connection to others and God. A comfort zone has its place, but so does setting it aside to help others be in theirs.

To learn more about our volunteer opportunities, please visit our website

Joshua Lotz is a 30-something partner and father of 2 young children. He has worked in youth ministry for 11 years and accompanied youth to the 2012 and the 2015 Gathering. Joshua has served as a volunteer in Houston and is a member of the Volunteers team for the 2022 Gathering in Minneapolis. 



Walking off of the Mass Gathering stage after speaking at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering, I don’t think I fully understood the magnitude of what I had just done. It was a life-changing experience that felt so wild but the deeper layers of what I had just done were only beginning to unfold. I stood up on stage to show others how you can take some of your worst moments such as my terminal diagnosis and use them to help remind others they do not have to feel alone in all of this.

After sharing I was privileged to meet a young woman at the Gathering who had the same diagnosis as myself. She never met anyone with her diagnosis until she heard me speak. That was the rewarding experience that made everything I did worth it. It is a reminder of why I advocate by sharing my story through all the suffering I endure. I get to be that little lighthouse that reminds others to know they are not alone in all of this.

These days I still try to push that sentiment even while things have looked really different. Our world feels as though it is falling apart, there is the pandemic, political unrest, natural disasters, the explosion in Beirut, and other unspeakable tragedies 2020 has brought us.

During these hard times it is easy to focus on the bad, to believe things may never get better, or think that God has abandoned us but, in these moments, we must remember we are not alone in all this. God is with us– always. Once we remember this, we too can be that lighthouse. God’s grace is here for us all as we continue to walk through the difficult storms ahead.

Michaela Shelley is the founder of an online support group for adolescents and young adults with chronic and/or terminal illnesses. Currently, Michaela is working towards a Master’s degree in social work. You can watch her 2018 Mass Gathering talk here.

Reflections on Volunteering in Minneapolis


It has been 3 weeks since the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the city in which I call home. Unfortunately, the senseless killings perpetuated from racism are not uncommon. The outcry for justice, though, has been very common across the United States and countries throughout the world.

The George Floyd memorial on 38th and Chicago in Minneapolis is holy ground where people gather. Gather to pay their respects, gather to lay down flowers, gather with advocacy organizations and gather around food and water. The words and artwork are a balm for the wounds that I, a white woman, cannot even begin to imagine.

The past couple weeks, I have spent time volunteering at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church just blocks from the epicenter. Since George Floyd’s murder, Holy Trinity has become a sanctuary for demonstrators, a medic station for the wounded, a place of support for local small businesses and a pop-up food and necessity distribution site. Streets have been lined with cars with donations and greeters. Pregnant women and people with disabilities were accompanied, to ensure their needs were met. I heard so many touching stories over the week. One of them that stood out, especially as a youth minister, is the confirmation students who purchased detergent and collected all the quarters they could find, so people could still do their laundry.

Something else that stuck out to me is seeing a mother taking pictures of her daughter in her cap and gown. I went over and started talking to her and she said, “this is her history.” I pray for this young woman and her family. I also pray for our community, our country. I pray that this moment and these pictures are the time that she can tell her children and grandchildren that this was the turning point in our history. “God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).


Kris Bjorke serves as the Service Learning Project Manager for the 2021 ELCA Youth Gathering. She lives in the Minneapolis area and enjoys drinking coffee with friends, being with family and pets, the outdoors, football and hockey games, travel (with a special affinity for National Parks) and quilting.

Intentional Chaplaincy Work in Minneapolis


This blog post was written by our 2021 MYLE team leader, Kelly Sherman-Conroy, and is in response to the chaplaincy work being done in the Minneapolis and St. Paul after the murder of George Floyd. She discusses the need for cultural competency before volunteering, so that we create a space of empowerment and comfort for those that need it.

According to Western Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women and Children, “cultural competence is the ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact with people across cultures. Cultural competence encompasses being aware of one’s own world view, developing positive attributes towards cultural differences, gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and world views and developing skills for communication and interaction across cultures.”


When local pastors, religious leaders and spiritual care leaders stepped up and took the call to help the communities of Minneapolis and St. Paul during the weeks following the murder of George Floyd, I don’t think they knew what they were in for. The call was not just about needing volunteers with shovels and rubbish bags in hand or handing out food and other supplies. The call for chaplains was very intentional.

As a Native American and an activist, I know first hand the harm that well intentioned people of faith can do when they come in to “help” communities that have been marginalized or minoritized. I remember at Standing Rock and the protests in North Dakota, a group of well-intentioned people of faith came to “help” and support. However, what many that came to help did not see, was that their own unintentional actions were creating more harm than good.  A deeper trauma than the trauma they were there to address.

So as a team of Rapid Response organizers met to address the needs of the communities during the uprising, this experience came to mind. How do we prepare a group of intentional volunteers that can be culturally aware as well as spiritually ready to care for all people regardless of beliefs? The call was made, and people responded.

I began with 4-5 Zoom trainings a day that talked about how to be culturally aware, understanding your actions, understanding the trauma many ethnic people were already coming with, what it is like to care for people in the midst of a large crisis such as this, and most importantly, non-violent communication for volunteers in the midst of a crisis. Their calming presence felt, and their aid was sought in helping other volunteers understand their actions.

So before you send out your volunteers to help in your community, find someone to lead in cultural awareness so that you are not unintentionally creating a space that is dehumanizing to those you are helping, but that you are creating a space that is empowering and comforting. Thank you to the over 100 volunteer chaplains for your work and intentionality.

Kelly Sherman-Conroy serves as the 2021 Multicultural Youth Leadership Event team leader and as Minister of Social Justice and Advocacy for CYF at Nativity Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Kelly is a Luther Seminary PhD Candidate as well.