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ELCA Youth Gathering Blog

New Orleans & the ELCA Youth Gathering

Since the start of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) in 1988, New Orleans has hosted the ELCA Youth Gathering and pre-events three different times. The city has a unique blend of history, culture and beautiful venues that are within walking distance of one another— making it a prime location for the 2024 Gathering.

Emphasizing the Mississippi River and connecting it to our Baptism, River of Life was the theme of the 1997 Gathering. It was a time when less than 40% of the population had a cell phone and none of them were smartphones. Pictures were taken on a camera that then was taken to the store to develop and then later to relive the memories of a time together.

Most notably, under the theme of Jesus, Justice, Jazz in 2009, the Gathering attempted something no other group has ever attempted nor to our knowledge still has— have every attendee participate in a Service Learning experience. It may seem normal now, but at the time it was something that had never been attempted. Heidi Hagstrom, the former Gathering Director said “I think the best words for the Gathering are ‘bearing witness.’ We would love it for young people to come to (New Orleans) and hear stories, learn the history, and discern how God has been present in the disaster that has happened there.” Prior to the 2009 Gathering, Hurricane Katrina ripped through the city of New Orleans causing catastrophic damage and at the time was the worse natural disaster to hit the United States.

“Bearing witness means that you need to step into the story of another person, to understand the call to justice and be a part of the need in the city for a long time and witness to that,” Hagstrom said.

When returning home after the Gathering, participants will be asked to share the story of how God is present in New Orleans and look for ways to live like Jesus. The Superdome that hosted Mass Gathering each night had once been a place where people had sought shelter, and some had unfortunately lost their lives just a few years earlier. During worship one evening, Bishop Mike Rinehart of the Texas – Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod declared the Superdome as a sacred space and a place for healing. It was a bold task to provide service projects for that many people, but there was a ton of work that we were called to do to help our neighbors in that moment.

In 2012, we returned under the theme of Citizens with the Saints. After listening to community leaders in the city of New Orleans, participants responded by showing up to learn justice, to walk justice, and then practice justice by being in the community in various ways.

Instead of being called “Service Learning”, this cycle young people went out to “Practice Justice” through literacy camps, neighborhood cleanups, absorbing information about injustices in the city, experiencing unique cultures, painting murals, backyard gardening and more. There was even work that wasn’t finished from 2009, that we were able to finish in 2012. All connected to God‘s restorative work that was ever living and connected with the people of New Orleans. Other daily themes focused around “Practice Discipleship” and “Practice Peacemaking.”

In the evening, participants came together in the Superdome to hear inspirational speakers such as the Rev. Yehiel Curry (now Bishop of Metropolitan Chicago Synod), the Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber, activist Shane Claiborne, and 2011 Nobel Peace Laureate Leymah Gbowee. We also sang and danced to performances from Rachel Kurtz, AGAPE*, as well as many local jazz bands and artists.

The stage is set. We’re headed back in 2024 to listen and learn from our neighbors in New Orleans, to grow in our faith and be inspired to live like Jesus.

A group of faithful young people and adults will soon be gathering to discern a theme for the 2024 Gathering. To help their discernment, we invite you to provide a few suggestions through a Google Form.

Until then, be safe, love your neighbor and live like Jesus.

I’m just, It’s just…

A message from Tammy Jones West, 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering Program Director—

I’m just, It’s just… 

Hello world. My name is Tammy Jones West. I am a Deacon in this church, from North Carolina, and I am serving as the Program Director for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering. I am honored to have been asked to serve in this way and a little terrified at the responsibility and scope of the work. I also know the impact and importance of this ministry and I will do my best to encourage, support and clear a path for the thousands of volunteers who make this event a reality. 

I’m just overwhelmed by the welcome and support. I want the adults who accompany our young people to this event to be just as overwhelmed – in a good way. Overwhelmed at the privilege it is to walk alongside them as they experience the magnitude of God’s grace, abundance, and love. That is holy ground and adults, you are walking it. As people of faith, you matter in their faith journey. You are there in their laughter, joy, tears, and pain. I am in awe of each of you. That’s why I will stop you if you ever say in my presence – “I’m just a volunteer.” You are so much more.

I hope Betty Lohr never uttered those words because she was so much more than “I’m just”. She took me to my first Gathering at Purdue University under the theme of “Power in the Cross”. She loved me even as a bratty teenager and she is literally why I was involved in youth ministry. She cared and kept taking me to all the events that shaped my friend circle, my world view, and my faith.  

This event happens because of you. Adult leaders, volunteers, and partners make the Gathering more than just an event.  

It’s just a time to widen our perspective on what a Lutheran looks like.  

It’s just a time to be a part of something bigger than ourselves as we learn about partners such as ELCA World Hunger, and so many more. 

It’s just a time to get to know our congregational group and share our lives with one another.  

It’s just a time to worship in new ways and understand that worship might look differently in other places yet it’s still worship. 

It’s just a time to experience scripture differently, shared by different voices, and heard in a new way. 

It’s just a time to go somewhere new, experience a different city, learn about the history and the stories of their people.  

It’s just a Gathering led mostly by volunteers. Full stop – it’s so much more and you are too. Thank you for your ministry and I hope to see you in 2024.  

#MYLE2022: Cultural Awareness


We are very excited to see you next July for the 2022 Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and happy that we get to lead the brand new MYLE team called Cultural Awareness. Shai Seifert is currently serving as president of the European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice and Felecia Boone is currently serving as vice-president of the Minneapolis Area Synod.  We both live in Minneapolis and are members at Calvary Lutheran Church. (Basically, we are both church nerds and do a lot of work on racial justice in the ELCA.)

Calvary is located one block from where George Floyd lost his life. It’s also the epicenter of a commitment to racial justice and community.  Like much of the world, the community at Calvary has been deeply affected by the death of George Floyd and the world-wide calls for racial justice. At the one-year commemoration of George Floyd’s death we were honored to host members of George Floyd’s family and the artist Common by providing practice and hang out space before the big concert. Having these experiences made our commitment to racial justice even stronger.

We have heard stories about microaggressions and other harms that have happened at past MYLEs. We have also heard that it appears some adults have not known what to do to help in these situations or haven’t understood what is going on. These stories break our hearts, and we are working hard to help people do better and for everyone to have a better experience at MYLE, in their faith communities and in the world. 

Our job is to help equip the youth leaders better recognize the harm that sometimes happens, to work to prevent harm, to deal with problems that arise and to support all their young people.

We can’t wait to see you and we want you to bring your whole amazing, unapologetic selves. See you at the University of St. Thomas next summer! 


Shari Seifert and Felecia Boones are the leaders of MYLE Cultural Awareness team. They are both lay leaders and members of Calvary Lutheran Church in Minneapolis.

We’ve hit 10K!


A message from the Director of the ELCA Youth Gathering, Molly Beck Dean– 

I am thrilled to share with you that at the close of our early-bird registration we crossed over the 10,000-person mark for the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering. It’s exciting and hopeful to know that even during an unusual and tough couple of years, thousands of you are preparing for the Gathering next summer. I know that thousands more of you are finalizing your plans and will register in the weeks to come.

Our planning teams are hard at work creating a meaningful, memorable, and safe experience at the tAble, MYLE and the Gathering. While we know that some things may look or feel a little different because of the pandemic, our boundless God will continue to show up in amazing ways. The Gospel will be proclaimed through word and deed, our neighbor will be served, young people will explore what God is calling them to be in this world and life-long memories will be made.

It will be so good to be together in Minneapolis next summer worshipping our boundless God. It’s not too late to join us with a group from your congregation (or a neighboring congregation!) or as a Servant Companion or Local Volunteer if you fit those demographics. We continue to hold our congregations in prayer as they prepare for this life-changing experience next summer.

See you next summer in Minneapolis!


#MYLE2022: Volunteers Team


Hi everyone! My name is Veronica, I’m from Philly and I serve on the 2022 MYLE planning team, working with our volunteers. I’m working hard to recruit and develop the best volunteers to make this event unforgettable for all of our participants.

Speaking of volunteers, can you remember a time when you volunteered for something? Was it for an hour, a day, or even a week? I’ve traveled all over the world, but my favorite service activity was actually during the 2006 MYLE in San Antonio. We weren’t painting, hammering, or even collecting trash – we were spending time and getting to know the youth living in San Antonio. Our assignment was to play games and hang out with teens from the local community center. We shared how living in San Antonio and Philly were different, and yet kind of the same.

Sometimes, volunteering can be confusing or stressful. You may experience nervousness or anxiety when you have to learn a new skill quickly, meet new people, or speak to a group. I understand how you may feel. But, what’s the potential – the upside of serving others? What could I learn? Who could I meet? How could this experience help me get closer to others, myself, and to Jesus? 

To find the perfect example of volunteerism and service, look no further than Jesus and His Disciples. They were out there working, sharing, healing, teaching, and preaching. Sometimes they went hungry. Sometimes they were rejected and chased out of town. But you know what they did? They just dusted their sandals off and kept it moving. 

God calls us to serve our neighbors, but we are also called to walk beside them, listen, and help them dream. I’m really excited to meet you next summer. I’ll be ready, our team will be ready,  the city of Saint Paul, MN will be ready, the University of St. Thomas will be ready. Will you? 

See you next summer!


If you are interested in serving as a volunteer at the 2022 Multicultural Youth Leadership Event, please email the Gathering office at

10 things to know as you prepare



Many congregations are just now getting things ready to attend the 2022 Gathering, so if you haven’t started yet– you aren’t behind! Here are 10 things to know as you prepare to bring a congregational group to the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering.

  1. Utilize the Gathering’s promotional materials to get your community excited about this faith formation experience. We have PowerPoint templates, flyer templates, posters, promotional videos and logos for you to download and use. Consider inviting past participants to share a testimony as well!
  2. Download the Official Gathering Handbook: Tips & Tricks for Adult Leaders. This resource is jammed-packed with pro-tips, sample covenants, timelines, budgets and more. If you’d like a printed version, you can purchase one from our partners at Old Lutheran.
  3. Thinking about raising funds to attend the Gathering can be daunting. However, we know from the testimonies of young people and adult leaders that it’s totally worth it. Depending on your community’s guidelines for COVID-19, you might need to adapt and think creatively on how to raise funds. Early in the pandemic, the Gathering curated a resource of virtual and socially distanced fundraisers.
  4. Connect with your Gathering Synod Coordinator (GSC)! These individuals are trained on all things Gathering and are your go-to contact for your synod. You can contact your GSC by sending them an email on the Gathering’s website.
  5. Sign up and attend the pre-Gathering webinars. Gathering leadership will share what they are planning for next summer during these monthly webinars. Visit the Gathering’s website to see recordings of past webinars or sign up for future ones.
  6. Download the Getting Ready Materials. This curriculum was designed to help introduce your congregational group to the daily themes of the Gathering and start bonding.
  7. There is still financial assistance available for young people attending the Gathering. Up to $300 per youth participant may be provided with a max of 10 youth per congregation. The primary adult leader should apply on behalf of the young person via the application.
  8. Our team is hard at work making plans to ensure that the 2022 Gathering is a safe for our participants. All youth and adult participants, team members, volunteers, staff, and Interactive Learning partners will be required to submit proof of a full COVID-19 vaccination or proof of a negative COVID-19 test (likely 72 hours before arriving). More information around how this information will be submitted will come spring 2022.
  9. Gathering leadership is continuously monitoring the pandemic and guidance for events of our size, but confident that we will have a safe Gathering next summer in Minneapolis. If we get to a point where we are unable to have a safe event and the Gathering is cancelled, deposits will be refunded, with the option for congregations to donate some or all those funds towards the ministry of the Gathering or to forward their deposit to the 2024 Gathering. Visit our COVID-19 page for FAQs and more info.
  10. Don’t do it alone. Invite another trusted adult in your congregation to join you in the planning and logistics!

Know that Gathering leadership is praying for you and your community as you consider attending the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering. We know that this ministry changes lives and enriches congregational youth ministry, and we hope your congregation will join us.

For more information on the 2022 Gathering, MYLE and the tAble, visit: