A Delicious Communion Table: Dinner Church at KINDRED
Today’s blog post is from Ashley Dellagiacoma, Restart Pastor at KINDRED in Houston, TX. +KINDRED is a one year old Restart Congregation that gathers weekly for dinner church in Houston, TX. We meet in a historic building among a vibrant urban neighborhood...
The Song of Simeon and What We Have See
Today’s blog post is from Kevin Strickland, Assistant to the Presiding Bishop and Executive for Worship for the ELCA, and is the longer form of the Worship E-news greeting for January 2017. “Master, now you are dismissing your servant[e] in...
Worship Resource Highlights from 2016
Have you seen these worship resources that were recently published by Augsburg Fortress? All are available at https://www.augsburgfortress.org. More Days for Praise: Festivals and Commemorations in Evangelical Lutheran Worship For centuries the church has paired its church year— focused...
A Place of Refuge and Rest
Today’s blog post is from Laura Ferree, current seminarian and Leadership in Context student at Jacob’s Porch, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Laura shares her experience following the car and knife attack that took place on the OSU campus on Nov. 28,...
LiturgyGram: Communion Distribution
As Lutherans we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the meal we call Holy Communion. This holy mystery calls for reverence, care and pastoral wisdom in the practices surrounding its distribution. As set forth in the...
Of Light, Blessing and S’mores: Epiphany at Trinity
Today’s blog post is from Jill Henning, Pastor of Faith Development at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lilburn, Georgia. The day of Epiphany has become a special celebration within my congregation, Trinity Lutheran Church in Lilburn, Georgia. In an area...