Today’s post is from Luke Tegtmeier, 2017 ALCM Planning Committee Member.
The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians is having its biennial national gathering in Minneapolis this summer, July 10-13. If you lead worship in any way – as an organist, director, guitarist, pastor, or singer – there will be something for you!
Not convinced? Here are ten reasons that you should come!
- Connect with other musicians. Pastors have a variety of opportunities to share experiences and ideas, but musicians are often alone in a church. Attending an ALCM conference is a great way to spend time with colleagues who share the same challenges.
- Experience something new. Whether it’s a new piece of music, a new rehearsal technique, or a new way to think about ministry, you’ll go home with something new.
- Celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation! There are lots of events happening in this Reformation year. For our conference, the planning committee chose the theme “Rise, Remember Well the Future.” Our hope is to find a balance between highlighting the treasures of the last 500 years and looking carefully at the future.
- Visit St. Olaf College.
Opening worship will be held at St. Olaf’s Boe Memorial Chapel, with organist Jamie Bobb and Rev. Christine Carlson preaching. ALCM got its start at St. Olaf 30 years ago, and we will recognize those charter members.
- Visit St. John’s Abbey. We will also visit Collegeville, MN to explore our relationship with Roman Catholics 500 years after breaking away from them. We will close the day by singing Compline with the monks in their landmark Abbey Church.
- Relax into worship. We’re all professional worship leaders. Take this opportunity to let someone else lead worship.
- Attend a workshop to go more in-depth. Whether you want to learn more about the Orff Schulwerk technique for children’s choirs, conducting a choir from the organ console, bulletin design, writing hymns, or hear about church music in modern Germany, you can choose from over 20 workshops.
- Hear the National Lutheran Choir.
This nationally renowned ensemble, directed by ALCM member David Cherwien, will be leading a Hymn Festival for us one evening – sure to be a memorable evening of excellent singing!
- Explore two great cities. Come early or stay late to explore the Twin Cities! Minneapolis and St. Paul offer a wide range of attractions, whether you want to visit parks, experience history, wander through a world-class art museum, or listen to live music.
- Have a blast! With this many church musicians in one hotel, who knows what could happen around the piano in the hotel bar in the evenings?
Hope to see you in Minneapolis! Register here.