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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

3rd World Farmer

I found another interesting (and free!) hunger-related game on the Internet. It’s called 3rd World Farmer. It’s not particularly new, so you socially-minded gamers out there are probably rolling your eyes at this post. But as one who doesn’t find...


I’m in Wausau, Wisconsin where I’ve had the great pleasure of hearing Pastor Lisandro Orlov speak today. Pastor Lisandro is from Argentina and is the Latin American regional coordinator for the Lutheran World Federation HIV/AIDS campaign. He said a lot...

Do you need a drink?

I had two opportunities to reflect on “going to the well” this weekend. On Saturday a good friend and I spent the day at the “Global Luther” conference held at Northwestern University. I followed most of the academic presentations and...


I read with interest Chris’ post about eco-overload. I think I suffer from one of eco-overload’s close cousins; I’ll call it eco-confusion. I want to engage in some more environmentally friendly behaviors, but I’m often unsure of what they are....

Ballroom dance lessons raises money for ELCA World Hunger Appeal

How fun! Paul E-S found this video on youtube. Check it out! “About the video” written by the producer :Pastor Erwin Roux (aka ‘PR’) is the Pastor at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Turbotville Pa. He and his wife...


I live in Chicago and ride the CTA to work everyday. I take a bus, train, and then a short walk to get to the office. All in all it’s about an hour commute each way, maybe an hour 10...

The Road Untravelable

This winter has been brutal for the roads in Chicago. Huge temperature swings and plenty of snow and ice are crumbling the concrete. My commute to work has become an obstacle course of potholes. There are two strategies for navigating...

Worth considering

“The Church of England is urging people to cut down on carbon, rather than chocolate, for Lent this year…” Check out the article, which includes 40 ideas for reducing your carbon foodtprint. Kathleen Kastilahn’s recent post on The Lutheran’s blog,...

Love your neighbor as yourself

This Valentine’s Day give gift-donations to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal and send your sweeties ELCA World Hunger e-cards to announce your donation in their honor. Visit or call 800/638-3522to donate and visit to choose your “save a...

$35.9 BILLION spent on pets. Seriously!

Talk about an affluent society! According to the February 4th edition of Time Magazine, Americans spent $35.9 billion on their pets in 2005. $35.9 billion! I contributed to that, and I don’t even own a pet! (My brother-in-law’s dogs get...