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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

“Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous”—Hypocrisy, Guilt, and the “Realities”

It’s the creeping feeling I get when I am drinking my $4.14 USD designer coffee as I snub a woman asking for change on the “L.” It’s the slight grimace I make when reaching for my favorite Gap t-shirt. It’s...

Answer: Augusta Victoria Hospital, water project in Zimbabwe, new homes for cell phones

If the answer is “Augusta Victoria Hospital, water project in Zimbabwe, new homes for cell phones,” can you guess the question? Find clues by scanning the excerpts from the ELCA News Service July 14, 2008 posting, found below. Blessings! SueSALT...

So, how was your trip?

My husband, Paul, and I recently returned from a trip to Jordan, Israel, Palestine, and Egypt. There were 21 of us related somehow to St. Luke’s Lutheran in Park Ridge, Illinois, traveling “On Holy Ground” together. We had the time...

2 thumbs up for 2 videos (is that 4 thumbs?)

Brett Nelson (ELCA Communication Services) created two short videos that are a “must see” for yourself and a “must show” in your congregation. Please spread the word about “After the Flood” (ELCA Disaster Response) and “Bowling for Jesus” (LYO/ELCA World...

LWF global food book is ready to pre-order

Food for Life: Recipes and Stories on the Right to Food (North American version) Global recipes, stories, and table blessings from the Lutheran World Federation $14 plus shipping; available for pre-order AF order number 978-6-0002-2174-4 Use this collection of recipes,...

International Conference on Racism and Globalization

I am a firm believer that when you make a commitment to fight any injustice in the world, you are (maybe unbeknownst to you) making inroads into understanding and fighting against other injustices. To me, most all injustices are inextricably...

Green is the New Black

For the first time the other day I heard this phrase “Green is the New Black”. At first I thought this statement was in reference to the actual color green, but no, this statement refers to the fashion industry becoming...

Too much water – and other disasters

I was looking at pictures of flooded Iowa today and was awestruck by the destructive power of too much water. I’ve blogged about how important water is to life. But it’s amazing how you can have too much of a...

Resources, Resources!

As promised, I am going to write a brief bit about two exciting new resources coming your way! Two weekends ago, members of the ELCA World Hunger staff and a few knowledgeable and spirited hunger leaders from around the country...

A New Way to Play Connect the Dots

Every morning I wake up, eat breakfast, and treasure my time reading the New York Times, especially the health section. My time spent with the Health section is important to me; not only does it keep me current and advance...