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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

A road leading to hope

A story from the Rev. Franklin Ishida, director for Asia and the Pacific, ELCA Global Mission. Find related pictures at Find other ELCA World Hunger Appeal stories at Thanks, Franklin!S. ELCA World Hunger funds have been provided to...

ELCA Disaster Response/China earthquake #1

This is the first of two postings by the Rev. Franklin Ishida, director for Asia and the Pacific, ELCA Global Mission. Find more information at and find related pictures at Thank you, Franklin! Sue Three months have past...

Our Summer Experience!

Make a Smilebox slideshow Hello Everyone! This is my last week with ELCA World Hunger. The summer has been a huge learning experience with many joys and frustrations that I’m sure will shape my life and the service that is...

Got Milk?

I often debate whether or not I want to have children. Although they are incredibly cute and are great sources of joy, they have constant needs you must fulfill. Last weekend as my brother, nephew, and I were driving to...

Nature as Nurture

This past week, a few members of the ELCA World Hunger staff and I went on a “field trip” to St. Paul’s African American Methodist Episcopal Church, a program site for the Domestic Hunger Grant recipient program, Faith in Place....

What does it mean to be a hoarder?

I could hardly believe the headline of a New York Times article I read about three weeks ago: “Hoarding Nations Drive Food Costs Ever Higher.” I had to read on. I had to uncover what this headline not only means...

Loaves and Fishes story and resources

In June I had the privilege of traveling to Jordan, Egypt, Israel, and Palestine with a group of folks connected to my congregation, St. Luke’s Lutheran in Park Ridge, Illinois. Carolyn Kees, a former member, was one of our companions...

Rising Prices, Rising Hope?

According to, as of 10:23 a.m. EST this morning, the price of petroleum in the United States is $127.14 per barrel. The Energy Information Administration states that, as of July 21, the average price of gas in the Midwest...

Personal Reflection: Never Too Late

Music has always been an important and influential part of my life. It is the one art form that speaks to me in such a way that has given me entry and understanding to the world. The other day while...

“Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous”—Hypocrisy, Guilt, and the “Realities”

It’s the creeping feeling I get when I am drinking my $4.14 USD designer coffee as I snub a woman asking for change on the “L.” It’s the slight grimace I make when reaching for my favorite Gap t-shirt. It’s...