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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

Sowing Hope, Cultivating Solidarity in Chile

  Educación Popular en Salud, or Popular Education in Health, (EPES) was founded by Karen Anderson, ELCA mission personnel, as a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile in the early 1980s. In 2002, EPES became an independent foundation,...

New! “River of Life” VBS At-Home Guide

  We are excited to share that the at-home guide for ELCA World Hunger’s “River of Life” Vacation Bible School program for 2021 is now available for download! This at-home guide is a supplemental resource for the full “River of...

Ending Homelessness in Virginia

  The following is an excerpt from “‘Big Dreams’ of Ending Homelessness in Virginia,” featured in Living Lutheran.   Last year, 25-year-old Maya (last name withheld), who lives in Virginia, was expecting her first child. Collecting unemployment due to COVID-19,...

A Year Like No Other

  St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church’s Lunchtime Ministry offers a warm meal, hospitality and community to neighbors in Hoboken, New Jersey. This important work is supported in part by a Domestic Hunger Grant from ELCA World Hunger. Stanley Enzweiler is...

New! Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith

  We know that ending hunger will take more than food. Addressing climate change is a critical step in this work. That’s why ELCA World Hunger is excited to share a new opportunity from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary’s Center for...

Lenten Reflection 5: What Will It Take to End Hunger?

  Action “They are working together, united, to show the country and the world that this is the way to fight for peace.” Thus far this Lent, we have heard stories of God working through this church, our companions and...

Lenten Reflection 4: What Will It Take to End Hunger?

Investment “[The vision is] that we get to invest money in our families and in our community.” The first reading for this fourth week of Lent is from the book of Numbers. The people have been on their exodus from...

Lenten Reflection 3: What Will It Take to End Hunger?

Justice “The direct service of providing filter pitchers and the organizing work of bringing demands to our alderpersons, health department and mayor all lead us back to the font, where we stand with people at the holy water that makes...

Lenten Reflection 2: What Will It Take to End Hunger?

Honesty “For [God] did not despise or abhor the affliction of the afflicted; [God] did not hide [God’s] face from me, but heard when I cried” (Psalm 22:24).   When Kamini Dhurvey was just a child, her mother died and...

Celebrating Big Dream Grants in 2021!

  We are excited to introduce the four recipients of ELCA World Hunger Big Dream Grants for 2021! ELCA World Hunger’s Big Dream grants, one-time gifts of $10,000 to $75,000, support ministries in the United States and Caribbean as they...