Hello Hunger Rumblings Readers!
My name is Allie Stehlin and I am an intern at ELCA World Hunger this summer. I am a senior at Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota and am studying Political Science, Peace Studies, and Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies. I...
Ziplock Bags and Deliberated Choices
The following was written by guest blogger, Mark Goetz. I love ziplock freezer bags. They are handy and durable, seal well, and don’t take up much space in a drawer waiting to be used. In the freezer and refrigerator they don’t...
Twenty-something gardeners
So what’s the scoop on twenty-somethings and vegetable gardens? My brother and I were talking this afternoon about all the people we know of, our age, who are beginning to grow their own food. I think that this is very...
Major recipient of aid here
Last week I posted the suggestion that the way in which depictions of those who are hungry often make them less than human. I wondered how we could possibly see their full humanity (along with all their power and dignity)...
“I Am” the Gulf Oil Crisis
For me, the prime benefit of the accompaniment approach to global mission and development is how it prods us to replace “over there” thinking (as in, “let’s pray or send money to those poor folks suffering somewhere else from a...
Considering moral ambiguities
I was recently listening to the soundtrack from Wicked, when a few lines from the song “Wonderful” struck me. The lines were these: “A man’s called a traitor – or liberator A rich man’s a thief – or philanthropist Is one a...
Bicycles & cell phones
When I turned on my computer this afternoon I had an article link from Fast Company waiting for me in my inbox. The article is about cell phone charging via bicycles. My first response?…Cool! The phones which are optimally designed...
Just wondering
Dare You to Move (don’t mind the typo) I am developing a hunger education event that will be similar to World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. I have been watching videos and exploring activities that are usually a part of these...
As many of us enjoy an extended holiday weekend and approach Memorial Day, the word sacrifice is a crucial part of why this weekend, this holiday, this day of remembrance is so important. I think of many people I’ve never...
Products that Inspire
While I know that we often speak of reducing our need for “things” at ELCA World Hunger, I can’t help but get inspired by people and companies who are creating cool, socially conscious products. For me, it’s very hopeful to...