How Barefoot Running is Changing My Relationship to Food
I have recently taken up barefoot running. I realize that this may sound silly, but I actually do run on the road in my bare feet…and it is amazing! Throughout my youth and into college I played multiple sports, the...
Learning about Hunger Causes and Hunger Hopes at VBS
This week I have the awesome privilege of hanging out with about 80 kids at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Bethlehem Lutheran is using the ELCA World Hunger curriculum Taking Root: Hunger Causes, Hunger Hopes for its Vacation...
HIV and Poverty
With the XVIII International AIDS Conference coming to a close last month in Vienna, I decided to do a little research about why it is important for ELCA World Hunger to address diseases such as HIV/AIDS in its anti-hunger work....
Movie Monday!
Renewal, 2007 (90 minutes) Renewal presents eight inspiring stories of diverse religious groups who are caring for God’s creation through different actions inspired by their faith. The film takes us through stories of Christians fighting mountaintop removal for coal mining,...
By the numbers
Since we humans are so fond of expressing our goals and measuring our progress with numbers, today I offer a handful of measuring sticks for sustainability. How are you doing on the 100-thing challenge—the quest to pare down your worldly...
In Search of Fresh Fish
Today my friends are coming to visit. They’re from Europe and I’m excited to show them where I’m from. So this afternoon we’re headed out to the beach where we can buy fresh salmon dockside. This is one of my...
More on veganism: hospitality, sharing food, and standing up for what you believe in
Last week I blogged about veganism, and at the end of my post introduced the idea that a challenge I face as a vegan is losing out on many experiences of social and communal eating. Right now I’m reading L....
Give Us Today Our Daily Bread
This past week the Lutheran World Federation met for their assembly in Stuttgart, Germany. The theme of this year’s assembly is “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread.” At a news conference on July 19th, presiding bishop of the ELCA Rev....
What I’ve been reading
I have had writer’s block for the past two Thursdays. Really, really bad writer’s block. Tonight, I finally figured out why. I’ve been taking in a lot of articles, blogs, videos, etc. for the past couple of weeks that have...
Yes, I’m vegan, and here’s why
In February of 2008, I decided to stop eating animal products. In the two and half years since then, I have embraced a whole foods, plant-based diet. I have also answered some form of the question “What are your reasons...