From simple to sustainable on the homefront
Like typewriter or answering machine, the phrase simple living sounds a little quaint. Have you noticed how many faith-based and secular organizations devoted to scaling back lifestyles have called it quits? And how energy and attention have been gradually shifting...
Herbs? Hyacinths?
Every spring, I look forward to playing outside all summer (some people call it yard work). In among the flowers and trees in my little backyard playground, I grow a few herbs — basil, oregano, sage, chives, thyme and parsley — and, of...
Book Review: Year of Plenty
The experiment that inspires Year of Plenty is one that grows out of a frustration with consumerism as well as a hunger for a sense of connectedness to place and people. Through an accessible and self-aware narrative, Craig Goodwin sketches...
Good, Right and The Best
I love things that are good. This gets complicated when one may ask when something is good, is it right? Another may say, who cares if it is good, we want it to be the best! During the last few...
LWF Green & Just: A Must!
Q: Do you want to learn more about the global communion of churches we, ELCA members, are part of– the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)? Q: Do you find global settings to be life-giving to your work and ministry? Q: Do...
Staring at spreadsheets
The last few weeks I’ve been working with our database people, pulling out figures and figuring out the facts behind them. Sounds boring, doesn’t it? Actually, it’s been fascinating. And inspiring. The figures add up to a wonderful fact: ELCA Lutherans are dedicated...
Food loss vs food waste: which one is our struggle?
Just last week in my local high school’s cafeteria, eager young volunteers stationed themselves with scales in front of garbage cans. Weighing and examining every item about to be thrown away, they came up with a gross tonnage of discards...
Happy Easter Season! Happy Tax Season?
It’s that time of year when we celebrate the risen Christ who calls us into the world in service! It’s also the time of year when the April 15 deadline looms and many wonder, “What do I owe this year?”...
Psalm 107 and ELCA World Hunger: A Reflection
Easter Monday Greetings, All! Occasionally, we feature guest blog entries, and today is one such occasion. Here is a reflection by Pastor Paul Ostrem, Assistant to the Bishop, Southeastern Iowa Synod and ELCA World Hunger leader. During the Lenten season,...
Just getting up in the morning can be a struggle. Seeking justice, championing a world in which people flourish, trying to discern God’s will and live into God’s culture in our (or any) times? Exhausting, and often discouraging. But then...