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ELCA Blogs

ELCA World Hunger

New Advent Study from ELCA World Hunger – in English and en Español

The story of Advent is a story of hunger—a people’s hunger for salvation, the fleeing holy family’s hunger for safety, and the world’s hunger for a new day. It is a season when we await the one who will “give...

Get Ready for World Food Day – October 16, 2016

    World Food Day is a day of action against hunger. On October 16, people around the world come together to declare their commitment to eradicate hunger in our lifetime. Because when it comes to hunger, the only acceptable...

Shobi’s Table – St. Paul, Minnesota

Fellowship, a nutritious meal, and a time of prayer are offered weekly at Shobi’s Table – a food truck that serves people experiencing homelessness in St. Paul, Minn. Meet the team at Shobi’s Table as they feed and are fed...

ELCA Advocacy Alert – Support Funding for Flint

Take action to support Flint and other cities facing lead crises! It has been nearly a full year since the City of Flint, Michigan, first declared a state of emergency over the widespread lead contamination of its water supply. In...

A New Video Resource – Luther and the Economy (5/5)

  Large, multinational corporations controlling prices and driving down wages, masses of people too poor to afford basic goods, an economy that favors the wealthy, politicians and church leaders at the mercy of banks….1517 was quite a year!  So much...

A New Video Resource – Luther and the Economy (4/5)

  Large, multinational corporations controlling prices and driving down wages, masses of people too poor to afford basic goods, an economy that favors the wealthy, politicians and church leaders at the mercy of banks….1517 was quite a year!  So much...

A New Video Resource – Luther and the Economy (3/5)

Large, multinational corporations controlling prices and driving down wages, masses of people too poor to afford basic goods, an economy that favors the wealthy, politicians and church leaders at the mercy of banks….1517 was quite a year!  So much has...

A New Video Resource – Luther and the Economy (2/5)

  Large, multinational corporations controlling prices and driving down wages, masses of people too poor to afford basic goods, an economy that favors the wealthy, politicians and church leaders at the mercy of banks….1517 was quite a year!  So much...

A New Video Resource – Luther and the Economy (1/5)

  Large, multinational corporations controlling prices and driving down wages, masses of people too poor to afford basic goods, an economy that favors the wealthy, politicians and church leaders at the mercy of banks….1517 was quite a year!  So much...

End Hunger? The Single Most Important Step

This blog originally appeared on the Huffington Post Impact site: A few years ago, I was at the World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa, for the Borlaug Dialogues, an annual international conference on food security, agriculture, and food...