Lutherans with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Leymah Gbowee. Pr. Kevin, Dennis, Jeannette, Leymah, Mikka, Daniele, Jen, Irma, Kristin, Jessica, Christine
Hello Hunger Rumblers,
I have been posting like mad on the blog and Twitter trying to keep you up to date on the proceedings here at the 56th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Although there are many people with us here, Lutheran and not, let me take a moment to pause and introduce you more formally to a few of the women gathered here.
Jeannette, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon. Jeannette is a PhD student in theology and will be one of the first women ordained in her church this coming May. She serves with the Christian Women’s Association in her church and as the LWF Women in Church and Society (WICAS,) West African Regional Coordinator. Jeannette is married and has four children– two boys and two girls.
Daniele, Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB). Daniele is 25 years old and graduated in Pedagogy and Mathematics. Her life has been directly connected to agriculture as she was born in a family of small farmers. Now, Daniele works with CAPA (Support Center for Small Farmers), an NGO of the IECLB, which aims to assist small farmers in their fight for social justice and development. Daniele has two sisters and three brothers.
Irma, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), originally from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia. Irma was born in Colombia to hard working parents and life in the country. She is a human rights lawyer and professor of international humanitarian law. Irma is now the coordinator of the project/ministry Pueblo De Dios at Augustana Lutheran Church in South Dakota. She also serves as the vice president of the Lutheran Association of Hispanic (Latino) Ministries, ELCA.
Jen, ELCA. Jen comes from small town, North Dakota. Over the past seven years she has been blessed to work in Africa, North and South America, including last year where she served in Argentina with the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program. While there, Jen focused on inner-city community building and rural development with emphasis on the voices of women, native populations, and organic growers. Currently Jen works as community center director at Churches United for the Homeless, a shelter in Minnesota and is a youth leader at Martin’s Lutheran Church just outside of Fargo.
Jessica, LSW, serves the greater Fargo-Moorhead community as Community Partnership Coordinator for RSVP+ North Dakota’s Amachi Mentoring Coalition and Metro Youth Partnership programs. She advocates for social policies promoting the advancement of human rights regarding issues such as immigration, gender disparity in politics, trade and economic justice, and access to food and water. She is a Hunger Justice Leader for Bread for the World, co-chairs the Eastern North Dakota ELCA Synod Hunger and Justice Committee, is a 2008 alumni of the National Empowerment of Women’s Leadership (NEW) Institute, and serves on several volunteer boards and committees that promote community engagement and development. Ms. Arneson lives in Casselton, ND with her husband and daughter.
In posts below and in posts above, you will hear the voices of these women. We are happy to meet you!