ace_at_11_-_vocation-731923Tonight I came across this picture of my daughter, Annie, eleven years old at the time, with a poster project for a class. It seems to be a “What do I want to do when I grow up” assignment. Some of the images she included were predictive: a picture of a pastor, a diploma, and the words “Making money while making a difference.”
So why bring this up in the Hunger Rumblings blog? I am struck at the wisdom of a girl knowing that she can grow up to make money and make a difference. AND! It’s not either/or it’s both/and. I am humbled by the people in my life, like Annie, who hear God’s call and answer “Here I am, send me.”
Finally, I’m wondering how I would complete a vocational poster assignment at this age and stage in life. Think about it. What would you include on your poster?
Blessings on your day, Sue-s
