Hello readers! I’m the other World Hunger intern for summer 2010, Julie Reishus. Today is day eight of this amazing internship experience, and so far every day has been energizing, convicting, affirming, and challenging. I am sincerely thankful to God for the opportunity He’s given me to learn and serve within this incredible organization. I think I’m in the right place!
A little background on me: I grew up in Naperville, IL, and this past May I graduated from Hope College in Holland, MI, where I studied communication and ministry. While in college I had a number of experiences that contributed to my passion for seeking justice, and in particular the deposit placed on my heart about injustices related to hunger. I may explore these influences in more detail in future blog posts, but here’s the quick run down: first, my personal eating habits, and consequently the way I think about food, changed dramatically when I became a vegan. Second, I took a class on World Christianity that opened my eyes to an understanding of the missio Dei that refuses to separate social justice from evangelism. And third, I shared a powerful solidarity meal with 17,000 other people at the Urbana09 student missions conference.
I am thrilled to be learning and working at ELCA World Hunger this summer. I’ll be working on projects like developing the Taking Root curriculum for Vacation Bible School and adult education, and specific opportunities for volunteers to help ELCA World Hunger meet its education, advocacy, and fund-raising goals. I’m excited to blog here every Wednesday and also engage in conversation with you on Facebook and at the Table.
I enjoy dancing, drinking tea, summer sun, concert-going, reading, theology, making delicious vegan meals, learning constantly, the company of good people, Twitter (follow me @jujubeee), and above all worshiping, serving and loving the triune God who first loved us.