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ELCA Blogs

ELCA Innovation Lab

No One Is Prototyping a New Jesus: Innovation in the ELCA

This year marks two years in my role as the ELCA Director of Innovation and Ideas. While I’d love to say I’ve stopped getting this question, the most persistent question remains: What do you do again? The question persists no...

Blog Series: Parents, Pressure and Passing on Faith – Communicating Shared Values

This blog post “Communicating Shared Values” is part two of a series designed to spark conversation! To read the previous posts in the series, you can view all ELCA Innovation Blog posts here. Research Insight: Young adult parents don’t consider...

Blog Series: Parents, pressure and passing on faith (or not)

This blog post is part of a series designed to spark conversation! To read future posts in the series, you can view all ELCA Innovation Blog posts here. Parents under pressure This past summer, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek...

An Introduction to Equity Design

This is part two of a two-part introduction to design thinking. Part one is available here.  Introduction   Design thinking is a method for creative problem-solving that has been around for decades. While design thinking is primarily thought of as...

Thriving Congregations, Thriving Church

People are lonely. A January 2020 survey from Cigna found that three in five US Americans are lonely, and we know loneliness only got exponentially worse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers at the Harvard Graduate School of Education analyzed data from an October 2020 online...

Open Doors

  Open Doors supports ELCA congregations interested in meeting new people in this time of re-gathering in physical spaces Over the past 18 months, faith communities have gathered to worship and share the faith in new and different ways. Because...