An Operation Thanks-Giving card from Bethany Lutheran, Star Prairie, Wis.
It’s delightful to open the packages of “Operation Thanks-Giving” cards sent to Global Mission Support to distribute to ELCA missionaries. Here’s one example of the nine cards prepared by children at Bethany Lutheran in Star Prairie, Wisconsin. In addition to the “random act of thankfulness” cards, congregations and individuals are busy making cards to send to the missionaries they sponsor and other service personnel.
It would be wonderful to know how many cards have been sent directly, and to whom. It would be even more wonderful to hear from those of you who receive Operation Thanks-Givig Cards! We’d be grateful if you sent a “Operation Thanks-Giving” update to
globalmissionsupport@elca.org. For 1000 bonus “thankful” points, attach a picture! Thankful blessings, Sue