Sarah and Peter Grow-Hanson’s international service began with Peter’s seminary internship and Sarah’s volunteer service in Morogoro, Tanzania. This experience eventually led them to Senegal in 2001, where Peter was called to serve as the director of the Cultural Center Galle Nanondiral (House of Mutual Understanding), an ELCA-founded center providing a wide variety of community programs to a mostly Muslim population in Dakar. In 2008, Peter began serving directly with the Lutheran Church of Senega as theological advisor for leadership development. Sarah has served as academic coordinator for the School for International Training’s (Vermont) study abroad program in Dakar.
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on August 16th, 2011 at 7:09 am
Thanks for this video shout out, ELCA-GM! It is always great to be affirmed for our ten years of ministry with Global Mission. FYI, it’s Peter Hanson and Sarah Grow, sometimes referred to as Sarah and Peter Grow-Hanson.
Thanks again for acknowledging our ministry!