February 2, 2014–Blessed to Bless
Contributed by David Delaney, Salem, VA Warm-up Question Has anyone in your group ever spent time in a very poor area, either as part of your own living experience, or on a mission or immersion trip to a developing...
January 26, 2014–Are We Running Out of Fish?
Contributed by John Wertz, Blacksburg, VA Warm-up Question A few weeks ago, a researcher posted a video which proves that fish, don’t simply get caught, sometimes they do the catching. Take a look at this video of a fish...
January 19, 2014–Who Needs Christ?
Contributed by Scott Mims, Virginia Beach, VA Warm-up Questions Who is the most famous or important person you have ever met, and what was the experience like? Or alternatively, if you could spend an afternoon with any one real...
January 12, 2014–On Water
Contributed by Aaron Matson, Waterton, SD Warm-up Question How many different ways do we humans use water? List as many as you can. On Water Water is an amazing thing. According the EPA, water is the only substance on...
January 5, 2014–Becoming Human
Contributed by Stephanie Opsal, West Des Moines, IA Warm-up Question Can anything truly replace a human? Becoming Human Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, proudly announced drone air deliveries as the next big innovation, during his interview on “60 Minutes” in...