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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

January 11, 2015–Finger Pointing

Warm-up Question Have you ever been in an earthquake?  Where were you and what happened? Finger Pointing At the close of 2014 that was a lot of finger pointing back and forth between North Korea and the United States of...

January 4, 2015–Let There Be Light

Warm-up Question When were you ever afraid of the dark? Let There Be Light A 31 year-old physicist at MIT, Jeremy England, has been mixing things up a bit in the world of physics and the question of the origin...

No new Faith Lens for 12/28/14

Faith Lens Editor ​Faith Lens is not published this week.  The next posting will be for Sunday, January 4.

December 21, 2014–One Person Can Make a Difference

Dennis Sepper, Tacoma, WA Warm-up Question Do you think one person can make a difference in the world?  Why or why not? One Person Can Make a Difference Detroit, Michigan—Every Saturday or Sunday Robby Elmers loads up the family minivan. ...

December 14, 2014–Telling Painful Truth

Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD Warm-up Questions Has a friend ever told you something you knew was true that left you feeling hurt, angry, or sad? Have you ever told a friend something that left them feeling hurt, angry or...