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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

January 1, 2017–Compassion For Our Own Kind

John Hougen, Elkins Park, PA   Warm-up Question Have you ever changed your opinion of someone after you got to know them? If so, was it because you found out the person had more or less in common with you?...

Christmas Day

There is no Faith Lens this week.  

December 18, 2016–What Makes You Afraid?

Seth Moland-Kovash, Palatine, IL   Warm-up Question How many times per week, would you estimate, that you make a choice of what to do or what not to do based on fear? What Makes You Afraid? Fear can be a...

December 11, 2016–Hope in the Waiting

Jay McDivitt, Waukesha, WI   Warm-up Question What does “hope” mean to you? What makes you “hopeful”? Hope in the Waiting I’m looking for a “current event” to begin this week’s Faith Lens. I scroll through Google News. Wow. I...

December 4, 2016–Prepare, Repent, and Bear Fruit

  Stephanie Opsal, Farmington, NM   Warm-up Questions Are you good at determining right from wrong (in your actions or in others’ actions)? How do you make choices; what is your guide? Prepare, Repent, and Bear Fruit A psychological research...