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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

September 10, 2017–Forgiveness: Hard Healing Work

Amy Martinell, Sioux Falls, SD   Warm-up Question Do you forgive easily or do you tend to hold a grudge? Forgiveness:  Hard Healing Work For months Margot Van Sluytman traded emails with Glen Flett.  It was not your ordinary email exchange. ...

September 3, 2017–Success or Bust

Brian Hiortdahl, Overland Park, KS  Warm-up Question What does success look like? Success or Bust Darko Milicic was the number two overall selection in the 2003 NBA Draft, chosen behind only LeBron James, and ahead of several other notable stars. ...

Faith Lens on Summer Hiatus

No, no, it’s not that bad.  Faith Lens is just on summer hiatus.  It will be back August 29.

June 4, 2017–Blowing Down Barriers

Sylvia Alloway, Granada Hills, CA Warm-up Question Suppose that you were living in shelter after fleeing from a terrible war. You meet a person your own age from the enemy country. What would you say? How would you act? Blowing...

May 28, 2017–Don’t WannaCry

Dave Dodson, Fort Walton Beach, FL Warm-up Question Have you ever found out something that you felt morally obligated to share with someone else, even though sharing would be awkward or perhaps a breach of trust and confidentiality.  How did...