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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

March 22, 2020–So Obvious?

Bob Chell, Sioux Falls, SD Warm-up Question Who are blind to the obvious today? Politically? Spiritually?  So Obvious? We often see what we expect to see and miss other things because we are not looking for them.  A famous experiment...

March 15, 2020–Feeling Heard

Mary Houck, Decatur, GA Note for leaders: This Faith Lens touches on sexual assault, rape, and the #Metoo movement.  The reflection is about telling difficult truths and being heard. Adult leaders should be prepared in case this topic is personally painful...

March 8, 2020–Winds of Change

Paul Baglyos, Baltimore, MD Warm-up Question What is the difference between sight and insight? Winds of Change Asayel Slay, a female rap artist from Saudi Arabia, currently faces arrest and punishment by Saudi officials because of her YouTube video/song “Mecca...

March 1, 2020–Fake News

Heather Hansen, San Antonio, TX Warm-up Question How do you tell the difference between the truth and a lie? Fake News Post-truth is an adjective defined as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping...

February 23, 2020–Listen Up

Dave Dodson, Houston, TX Warm-up Question Do you ever engage in discussions or debates on social media? Do you think that social media is useful to debate important topics? Listen Up In the last couple of months, it seems like...