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ELCA Blogs

Faith Lens

September 26, 2021–Mission First

Sami Johnson, Andalucia, Spain Warm-up Questions Briefly describe a time you received help, kindness, or support from someone you didn’t expect. Have you ever had the chance to offer help, kindness, or support to someone who didn’t expect it from you?...

September 19, 2021–Right to Serve

Bill King, Blacksburg, VA Warm-up Questions What have you done in the past week which gave you the greatest joy and satisfaction?  Who or what benefited from your actions? Right to Serve Everyone hoped that the conflict over whether to...

September 12, 2021–Identity

Joshua Serrano, San Carlos, CA Warm-up Questions How would you describe what makes a good friend?  How do you think you can be a good friend to others?  Is there anything that holds you back from being a good friend? ...

Faith Lens on Summer Hiatus

Don’t worry, Faith Lens will be back in the fall. Faith Lens will be on a summer hiatus after the Day of Pentecost. The next posting will be on September 7th for September 12th (Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost).

May 23, 2021–Old and New

Chris Heavner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Question If a room is already full, how can more people get in? What do make of the saying, “Good endings make possible great beginnings”? Old and New My high school adopted a mascot many...