February 3-9, 2010–The Biggest…Building…Ever
Contributed by Jay Gamelin, Jacob’s Porch/ Lutheran Mission to The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH Warm Up Question What is the biggest human-made space you have ever been in? Describe the space to someone in the room who has never been...
January 27-February 2–Being Benny Blowhard
Contributed by Bill King, Blacksburg, VA Warm-up Question Think about the person with whom you most enjoy spending time. What makes that person’s company so pleasant? Being Benny Blowhard Are you a “Chatty Cathy” or a “Benny Blowhard”? Everyone...
January 20-26, 2010 – Some Trips Don’t Go as Planned
Contributed by Stephanie Opsal, West Des Moines WARM-UP QUESTION Have you ever felt hesitant to trust someone or something? UNTRUSTWORTHY GPS TRAPS COUPLE IN THE SNOW A Nevada couple traveling home from Portland, Oregon faced an unpleasant surprise on...
January 13-19–Salvation Army Victim of a Hoax
Contributed by Sylvia Alloway, Granda Hills, CA Warm-up Question Do you have everything you need? If not, what do you think is lacking? Are all needs physical? List some non-physical needs. Salvation Army the Victim of a Hoax We have...
January 6-12, 2010–Awaiting the Big One
Contributed by Claudia Bergmann, Eisleben, Germany Warm-up Question What does being in an earthquake feel like? Awaiting the Big One “Did you feel it?” That is the question everyone asks whenever the news in California reports a small...