Treating the Underlying Conditions
By Kathryn Mary Lohre Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has the health of my poor people not been restored? Jeremiah 8:22 On May 24, the National Council of the Churches of...
In the Image of God: Please, I Can’t Breathe
By Rabbi Yehiel Poupko Today, we, the Jewish People, have finished counting and fulfilling seven weeks of seven days, forty-nine days since Pesakh and the liberation from slavery in Egypt-Mitzrayim. As the Torah records, we were freed from slavery...
Commemorating the Emanuel Nine As we approach the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of the Emanuel Nine, ELCA congregations are encouraged to reaffirm their commitment to repenting for the sins of racism and white supremacy, which continue to plague this church. As...
Ecumenical Call to Common Prayer
As we approach the twentieth anniversary of our full communion agreement, “Called to Common Mission,” we give thanks to God for the partnership we share with The Episcopal Church. In the coming months, we will pray for and with...
Interfaith Engagement in an Era of Social Distancing
Shoulder to Shoulder is a national coalition-based campaign of religious denominations and faith-based organizations and communities that are committed to ending discrimination and violence against Muslims in the United States by equipping, connecting, and mobilizing faith leaders to effectively...
Ecumenism on Mars
© By The Rev. Paul S. Tché Have I been to Mars? Of course not. I understand no one has yet. We—by which I mean human beings—have sent robots to explore the aerosphere, atmosphere, and surface of...