Children filling up the school grounds as they eagerly await the start of classes. Credit: LWF/South Sudan

This past year the Lutheran World Federation set up three Emergency Hubs in areas prone to disasters. Their intent was to preposition staffing and resources in areas of the world prone to disaster. One of these hubs was set up in Nairobi to help address the needs of East Africa. When violence began to break out in South Sudan in areas like Juba, Blue Nile and Jonglei the LWF was able to help respond quickly from this hub. Yet, as is the case with disasters there are always unforeseen circumstances and situations.

Below is a great story from Mairo Retief, the Emergency Hub Team Leader in East Africa, on his experiences in Maban as they worked to meet the growing needs of South Sudanese displaced by violence, especially unaccompanied minors. It shares the trials that come with working with the multiple moving parts of pulling together a disaster response and also the immense joy that comes along with seeing the difference made.

LWF in Maban has all been worth it!

You can also learn about the LWF-run schools in their report: It’s Crowded but Learning Has Started under Tents in Upper Nile.

Gifts to ELCA Disaster Response allow the church to respond globally in times of need. Donate now.
