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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

Pakistan: Video of CWS Response

The following video shows the affects of the July-August 2011 flooding in the Sindh province of Pakistan and Church World Service’s (CWS-PA) response. The ELCA, through its Disaster Response program, helped fund this response. It’s a good video describing how...

Analysis: Climate Justice

One of the roles of the ACT (Action by Churches Together), of which the ELCA is a member, is to focus on issues of climate change. Since the changing climate affects the frequency and severity of disasters, it it important...

Kenya: Feeding School Children, Pastoralists Become Farmers & More

The following is a great update from the ACT Alliance of ongoing responses in Kenya to the drought which has been affecting the area since early last summer. Read how a feeding program has improved the lives of students and...

Japan: One Year Anniversary

Today marks one year since a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan strewing devastation across the northeastern seashore. Though the time which has past has been filled with much pain and sadness, it has also seen an outpouring of support,...

West Africa: Response Before Need

Twelve million people across five West African countries teeter on the brink of famine. Drought, crop failure, inadequate recovery from previous crises, and rising food prices have propelled the governments of Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Chad and Niger to declare...

Japan: One-Year Anniversary Litany

The following litany was translated and shared by Rev. Franklin Ishida, Director for Asia – Pacific Continental Desk. They come from the National Council of Churches in Japan in commemoration of the One Year Anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami...