World Refugee Day 2012
When The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) was founded in 1947, its first service program provided assistance to refugees in Europe. Today the LWF continues to work with and for refugees and displaced persons, providing service and care for 1.2 million of...
Mauritania: LWF’s New Approach to Food Shortage, the Freedom to Choose
Mauritania and surrounding countries are continuing to experience growing drought. According to the UN Development Programme more than 15 million people in the Sahel region in Western Africa risk undernourishment. It also notes that though there have been many positive...
Minot, ND: Camp Noah Comes to Minot
A new article in the Minot Daily News shares about the Camp Noah program that is coming to Minot this week and later in June to help children affected by the flooding last June as they continue to process and...
Greetings from new LDR Director Pastor Michael Stadie!
Greetings! This is my first opportunity to write to you as the new Director of Lutheran Disaster Response! I started on June 4 and have been busy getting oriented to the position. I consider it a privilege and an honor...
West Africa: Update from LWF Amidst Worsening Drought
According to the World Bank more than 17 million people in the West Africa Sahel region are now facing food shortages and possible starvation. The most affected countries are Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Chad and Burkina Faso where poor rainfall and...
Kenya, South Sudan & Sudan: New (and Returning) Arrivals at Kakuma
A new feature story from the Lutheran World Federation looks at the increasing number of South Sudanese and Sudanese who are ending up at Kakuma refugee camp in northwesetern Kenya. For some this is a return trip after they left...