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ELCA Blogs

Lutheran Disaster Response

Situation Report: 2020 Flooding in Jakarta, Indonesia


Situation Report: 2019 California Fires

    Be a part of the response: Pray Please pray for the people who have been affected by wildfires in California. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need. Pray that God will...

Situation Report: Typhoon in Japan

                                                        Be a part of the response: Pray Please pray for people who...

2019 LDR Consultation: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Last year, the Lutheran Disaster Response-US (LDR) network discussed climate change – what it is and why we care. We were inspired by the stories of the communities we accompany and driven to action by the questions that were asked....

One Month Later: Hurricane Dorian

  Be a part of the response: Pray Please pray for the communities that have been affected by Hurricane Dorian. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.  You can find additional resources for...

Faith-Based Organizations and Churches Discuss Migration and Human Trafficking in Asia

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and Life With Dignity (LWD) — the ELCA’s partner development organization in Cambodia — convened a three-day conference on”Migration and the Human Trafficking Crisis in Asia: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnership.” The conference...