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Lutheran Disaster Response

Situation Report: Beirut Explosion

Be a part of the response:

Please pray for people who have been affected by the explosion in Beirut. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.

Thanks to generous donations, Lutheran Disaster Response is able to respond quickly and effectively to disasters around the globe. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response (General Fund) will be used where they are most needed.

To learn more about the situation and the ELCA’s response:

  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Check the Lutheran Disaster Response blog.
  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook, follow @ELCALDR on Twitter,and follow @ELCA_LDR on Instagram.
  • Download the situation report and share as a PDF.

Disaster as a Means of Love

Disaster Strikes

On March 2-3, 2020, Tennessee was battered by a series of tornadoes. Inspiritus, an affiliate social ministry organization of Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR), was one of the first response groups to arrive on the scene in Cookeville, TN, which was devastated by an EF2 tornado. Four months later, the impacted communities are moving into the long-term recovery phase and Inspiritus continues to coordinate on-the-ground response efforts and plans to remain engaged until the community recovers fully.  

In the days following the tornadoes, volunteers flooded into Cookeville to lend a hand. The first weekend brought a total of 3,000 volunteers from various organizations, including Inspiritus, although that number fell during the week, which is normal for disaster response. For the next couple of weeks, the number of volunteers averaged from 50-80 people on weekdays and about 100 per day on the weekends. But in the beginning of April, the governor of Tennessee issued a stay-at-home mandate for the state in an attempt to minimize the spread of COVID-19, and the number of volunteers plummeted to the single digits. With physical distancing measures in place, Inspiritus had to adapt – fast.  

New Rules, Same Game

Kevin Burgess, Inspiritus’ construction lead in Cookeville, worked with the leadership team and volunteer teams to quickly develop and adopt strategies to protect both volunteers and tornado survivors. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is now required, and volunteers do not enter the homes of residents unless necessary for repair work, so any socialization with residents occurs outdoors. Burgess also placed a limit on the number of people allowed in the Volunteer Reception Center at one time. However, these rules don’t change the mission of the disaster response.  

“Because when you’re going to work with an 80-year-old retiree, you don’t want to risk the chance of sharing a communicable disease with them,” says Burgess. It becomes more and more about the people. That’s always been one of my high prioritiesthe people come first. Through the pandemic, that was just amplified.” 

Inspiritus limited their work groups to eight volunteers and chose to focus on using heavy machinery to clear debris. This allowed volunteers to isolate themselves from others but still do their work efficiently. The use of heavy machinery also helped with another strategy – bringing debris to the streets. Government workers typically cannot pick up debris from private properties, so the contractors hired by the Tennessee government cleared wreckage from the tornadoes on public roads. Volunteers from groups such as Inspiritus play a key role in maximizing taxpayer resources to make the tornado response as efficient as possible by moving otherwise unreachable debris from private property to the public right-of-way.  

People Helping People

As work continues in Cookeville, and in every community in which LDR affiliates work with after disasters, the people are always the focus. According to Burgess, “The heart of Inspiritus is not to come and put a band-aid on it, but we want to come and see people restored, back in their homes, and thriving.” Currently, Inspiritus is finishing up immediate relief and debris clean-up and looking ahead to long-term recovery in the area. With the pandemic still an issue, the recovery phase will also look different from in the past.  

Luckily, Burgess has a passionate group of dedicated volunteers and a leadership team to get the work done. Many members of the leadership team have full-time jobs, yet they still find ways to concentrate on tornado relief and recovery. The assistant director of the Inspiritus response team in Cookeville is Randy Adams, who is also working his full-time telecommunications job remotely from the disaster headquarters. His wife, Debbie, works as a case manager for Inspiritus. The volunteer coordinator, Johnny Harrison, is a local middle school teacher; with schools switching to remote learning in the spring, he took the time to give back to his community. Burgess emphasizes that the volunteers, from all groups and faith-based organizations, are truly the heart of disaster response.  

“The laborers in the field are Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Baptist, Mennonite, Amish. We have had all different denominations. This is not an individual denomination, but this has truly been a body of Christ coming together and ministering together and not worried about who gets the credit. And it’s just a beautiful, beautiful way that I believe the Lord can take disaster and crisis and turn it into a means of love. 

Prepared to Care

After disasters in the United States and around the world, LDR affiliates and ecumenical partners such as Inspiritus accompany communities in immediate relief, long-term recovery, and resiliency projects. From clearing debris and rebuilding homes to planning for future disaster mitigation, LDR and its affiliates take the necessary steps to accompany communities in upheaval through hope, healing, and renewal. As demonstrated by the volunteers of Inspiritus and other affiliates, Lutheran Disaster Response is prepared to care.  



Disaster Preparedness


It is always crucial to be prepared for any disaster that could strike. In this Prezi, we offer some suggestions about what to do in case of emergencies. This is not a definitive list of all disasters or of everything that needs to be done to prepare for one, but it is a starting point to think about how prepared you are for disasters in your area. Included are lists of other online resources that go into more detail about disaster preparedness.


View the presentation here:

5 Ways to Support Refugees and Migrants


At the end of 2019, there were 79.5 million displaced people around the world. That’s 1% of the world’s population.

The Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, where nearly 1 million Rohingya currently live. Photo: Y. Franklin Ishida

26 million of them are refugees, people who leave their countries of residence due to conflict or persecution. 45.7 million of them are internally displaced people, who, for the same reasons, move to other areas in the country. Refugees are protected under international laws. There’s also 272 million migrants worldwide. Migrants choose to cross borders for many reasons – searching for work or education, escaping hardships as a result of natural disasters, reuniting with family – and are protected under domestic laws, but not international law. Lutheran Disaster Response is dedicated to supporting displaced people – and so can you! Here are a few ways to support refugees and migrants in your daily life: 


1. Worship with refugee and migrant communities 

There are ELCA congregations around the country with ministries that support refugees and migrants from around the world. The ELCA is a sanctuary denomination, meaning that our faith calls us to walk alongside refugees and immigrants. Through the AMMPARO strategy and support of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, the ELCA shows its dedication to welcoming immigrants and refugees, regardless of country of origin.   

2. Help children gain perspective on refugees 

By talking about refugees with children, you are showing why it is important to be compassionate and treat others with dignity. Learning about refugees and immigrants from a young age can prepare children for when they interact with them throughout their lives. Try using this educational toolkit from the United Nations Refugee Agency or find age-appropriate books 

3. Support migrant and refugee-owned businesses 

Find refugee-owned businesses in your area and support them. If there aren’t any in your town, try online! If you own a business yourself, try to source from refugee or migrant artisans. This is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic, when small businesses of any variety are struggling. 

Iraqi refugees crossing the Hungarian border. Photo: ACT Alliance/Fekete Dániel

4. Understand why this issue matters 

As people of God, we are called to love our neighbor and care for those in need. The ELCA social message on immigration says “The presence of newcomers in our church and society heightens our awareness of these realities and of the experience of new immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in the United States. This awareness makes us more appreciative of the gifts our new neighbors bring and of the barriers as well as the opportunities they encounter. 


5. Donate 

Lutheran Disaster Response supports refugees and host communities around the world. Donations to the South Sudan fund, the Middle East and Europe Refugee Crisis fund, and AMMPARO will be used in full to support our work with refugees and migrants to bring them hope and renewal in a tumultuous time.  



Adapted from “5 ways to support refugees during the coronavirus crisis from the UNHCR 


Situation Report 4: COVID-19 Pandemic US Response

covid-19-us-res_47106616 (1)

Be a part of the response:

Please pray for people who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.

Thanks to generous donations, Lutheran Disaster Response is able to respond quickly and effectively to disasters around the globe. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response (General Fund) will be used where they are most needed.

To learn more about the situation and the ELCA’s response:

  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Check the Lutheran Disaster Response blog.
  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook, follow @ELCALDR on Twitter,and follow @ELCA_LDR on Instagram.
  • Download the situation report and share as a PDF.

Situation Report: Cyclone Amphan

Be a part of the response:

Please pray for people who have been affected by Cyclone Amphan. May God’s healing presence give them peace and hope in their time of need.

Thanks to generous donations, Lutheran Disaster Response is able to respond quickly and effectively to disasters around the globe. Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response (General Fund) will be used where they are most needed.

To learn more about the situation and the ELCA’s response:

  • Sign up to receive Lutheran Disaster Response alerts.
  • Check the Lutheran Disaster Response blog.
  • Like Lutheran Disaster Response on Facebook, follow @ELCALDR on Twitter,and follow @ELCA_LDR on Instagram.
  • Download the situation report and share as a PDF.