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ELCA Blogs

Quick Cajun lunches

Tech. Communications

Red-shirted workers from the Youth Gathering technical communications crew grabbed a quick lunch Monday at a food court near the New Orleans Convention Center. The crew includes volunteers and paid staff.

Photo (left side of table, front to back): Kari Gray, 25, Seattle, field producer; Sarah Culler, 33, Seattle, videographer; Paul Schmidt, 34, Lansing, Mich., media team leader.

(Right side of table, front to back): Josh Miller, 30, Nevada City, Calif., lead photographer; Lisanna Smithheart, 29, Seattle, photographer; Andrew Sielski, 28, Detroit, videographer; Erik Mathre, 49, St. Petersburg, Fla.



Cruisin’ the Big Easy

Tired of the hassles that come with a full-sized rental car?Day Cruiser

New Orleans has other options for the 37,000 Lutherans arriving in town this week.

These miniature cruisers are for rent outside the Hilton Hotel near the Riverwalk Marketplace.

A New Jersey tourist opted for the mini-car because she was tired of walking in the heat.

Many Lutherans, particularly those from northern climates, are thrilled with the sunshine. A church member from South Dakota called the sun “nature’s Vitamin D.”

“It’s pretty awesome,” she said. “You don’t have to work up a sweat here. You just sweat.”


Symbols of faith in times of recovery

MYLE worshipA discarded bathtub from New Orleans served

as a focal point at worship Sunday at the

Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE).








Stepping to God’s beat


Apu Seyenkulo, 17, of Chicago, rehearses a liturgical dance before worship on Sunday evening.

She’s participating in a three-day ELCA multicultural youth event in New Orleans known as MYLE.

“The worship is more diverse,” Seyenkulo said. “The  people that come — it’s like we share more in common with each other.”



A banner welcome

BannersTalk about a welcome.

The city of New Orleans is displaying street banners along Convention

Center Boulevard that say, “We’re jazzed you’re here!”

Another sign reads: Welcome ELCA Youth. (more…)


Outtakes: Day 1, New Orleans

JosiahWilliamsLutherans teens spilled into the fifth floor hallway of the Sheraton Hotel on Sunday night.

Two shy boys from Puerto Rico leaned against a pillar on the right side of the hall. A young woman originally from Taiwan stood next to a pillar on the left side. In between, a  sea of New Jersey teens wearing lime green T-shirts sat on the floor.

“I didn’t know what I was getting into,” said Josiah Williams as he surveyed the diverse crowd.

The teens were waiting to get inside a room for worship. It’s the kickoff to a three-day event known as the MYLE — Multiculture Youth Leadership Event.

Williams, an aspiring actor from Milwaukee, said he needs the MYLE. He loves worship, but doesn’t make it to church every Sunday, he said.

“The MYLE  is a good place to get a closer connection to your spirit and God,” Williams said.

* * *

An airport shuttle driver said Hurricane Katrina destroyed his home four years ago. Everything inside, too, including his dog, Ja.

The driver said that when he fled for safety, he left the pit bull behind. Like many people, he simply didn’t believe the Katrina hype.

“My only regret to this day is that I didn’t take him with me when I left town,” the driver said.

* * *

An estimated 12,000 different ELCA youth will be working across New Orleans on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They will all be wearing orange T-shirts. Not just any orange. The official color: hunter orange.

* * *

Spotted at airport:

  • Dozens of ELCA youth from Detroit in matching yellow T-shirts
  • Dozens of ELCA youth from New Hampshire and Massachusetts wearing black T-shirts that said: “Jesus, hope for the nations.”
  • Several red-shirted ELCA volunteers helping Lutherans at the airport with shuttle rides

Businesses spotted near French Quarter:

  • Cajun Encounters (bus tours)
  • Dixie Gyros Greek Restaurant
  • Cemetery Tours



Bright beads, big hearts

Servant Companions

Perhaps the most colorful Lutherans in all of New Orleans today were at the airport. As they arrived in the city, greeters welcomed them by placing bright purple, gold and green Mardi Gras beads around their necks.

These smiling young adults — all in their 20s — are volunteers for the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, which kicks off late Wednesday.

The volunteers are known as “servant companions” because they’ll be accompanying youth on Hurricane Katrina recovery projects across the city. In preparation, the volunteers are undergoing three days of training at Tulane University.

In the photo (first row, l to r): Carin Smith, 20, King of Prussia, Pa.; Kimi Dail, 21, Columbia, S.C.; Jessica Skinner, 20, Columbia, S.C.; Karen Fletcher, 20, Hickory,  N.C. Second row: Cayla Catino, 20, Riegelsville, Pa., and Wil Humphrey, 27, Belleville, Ohio.


Teens: “God’s justice goes beyond just us”


UPDATE: Stop to help people  in Peoria, Ill., featured in newspaper there.

First stop: Peoria, Ill.

Busses filled with more than 450 ELCA teens and adults are rolling out of northeastern Minnesota today. They’re headed to the 2009 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans to help in Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts.

On their way down, they’re spending time in Peoria and Memphis to help people there, too. What follows is the story I wrote about these teens in December. You’re welcome to leave them a note in the comments section below. (more…)


Lemony Snicket and the great flood

SerpasWith Hurricane Katrina barreling toward New Orleans, 13-year-old Maria Sepas threw her most cherished possessions into a suitcase.

A miniature guitar from a grandmother in Germany. Photos from every vacation. Children’s books by Lemony Snicket  titled “A Series of Unfortunate Events.”

Her family’s vehicle was full, so the suitcase was left behind. Maria placed it on top of the pool table “just in case” flood waters came that high.

When the levees broke, water gushed through the city streets, drowning hundreds of residents. At Serpas’ house, the water rose quickly over the pool table up to the ceiling and over the roof.

That was four years ago. Serpas’ family and house are still on the mend. Their spirits are lifted, though, knowing that 37,000 Lutherans will be in New Orleans soon for the July 22-26 ELCA Youth Gathering. (more…)


On your mark…

Consider these helpful resources before leaving for NOLA–it’s getting close!

  • offers these printable coupons good with your out-of town driver’s license.  They’re aimed at more traditional tourists, but a good share of them offer savings at various dining establishments.
  • Here’s a quick link to the New Orleans long range weather forecast.  (Hint: it’s going to be hot and humid.  You’ll definitely make use of those water bottles!)
  • Get a feel for local cuisine at WikiTravel’s guide to eating in New Orleans, including po-boys, gumbo, and beignets.
  • Read Lonely Planet’s tips for life in the Big Easy.
  • Take another look at the ELCA Youth Gathering main page–it’s undergone a lot of changes, including the addition of a Twitter feed.  Tweet with the hashtag #JJJ09 to get in the stream.
  • Make sure you have all the forms and materials you need, and read the JJJ Guidebook even before you get your printed copy in New Orleans!
  • Encourage your congregation to keep up on what you’re doing.  There’s no reason not to, because there are a lot of avenues of information flowing out of New Orleans.  The Twitter feed on the Youth Gathering page is a great way for anyone to add their thoughts, just by including “#JJJ09” with their tweets.  Anyone in your church, family, or friends can also follow @ELCAyouth on Twitter or subscribe on a mobile phone.  This blog will also be active throughout the Gathering, as well as other ELCA and youth bloggers.

And if you’ll be blogging at or about the Youth Gathering, leave me a comment–I’d love to add you to the blogroll.
