Below are links to blogs written by young Lutheran (ELCA and Lutheran World Federation) delegates at the International AIDS Conference. Click to read their thoughts on HIV and AIDS and their reflections of the Conference.
We’re grateful for each of their unique voices.
– Ryan Thoreson, Trinity Church in Boston.
Dignity, Health, and Justice at the Interfaith Preconference:
– Jessi Erickson, Faith Lutheran Church in Arlington, Virginia
The Untold Story: Part One- Youth Reflection from the IAC:
Part Two:
– Victora Mumbula, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia
Let Us Put an End to HIV Stigma!- Victoria’s Story:
– Aina Sheethini, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nambia
People of faith, take action! Twitter for Access to ARV:
– Hannah Ball-Brau, Luther Place Memorial Church in Washington, D.C.
HIV status just one part of someone’s identity: