The image is a graphic designed to promote civic engagement during an election year. The background is divided into four quadrants with different colors: blue, light blue, red, and peach. In the top left quadrant, there is a blue megaphone with a red circle behind it. The top right quadrant features the word "Advocacy" under a white globe symbol divided into segments. The bottom left quadrant contains an illustration of a hand casting a ballot into a blue ballot box labeled "VOTE." In the bottom right quadrant, there is an illustration of four diverse individuals holding a banner with the hashtag "#ELCAelectionactivators." One of the individuals is depicted in a wheelchair. The text "CIVIC ENGAGEMENT in an ELECTION YEAR" is at the top of the image, and the central portion contains the bold text "ELECTION ENGAGEMENT UPDATES." The bottom right corner lists the following URLs: "ELCA.ORG/CIVICENGAGEMENT" and "ELCA.ORG/VOTES."

CONTENT UPDATED: June 26, 2024

Civic engagement is happening this election year in many diverse communities and contexts—and being activated and led by congregations, rostered leaders, ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices and members.


Consider taking part or taking inspiration for your locality! Also check out:



Juneteenth through Aug. 17 CIVIC ENGAGEMENT CAMPAIGN | NCC Freedom Summer – National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA

📌In the spirit of the 1964 Freedom Summer, which sought to register voters and integrate Mississippi’s segregated political system, NCC Freedom Summer seeks to educate, engage and empower voters for social change. A virtual “Sunday school”, a five-city Freedom Ride, and resources available.

Thursdays in June @7:30 pm CST YOUNG ADULT ABIDE GROUP | Young Voices in the Public Sphere: A Faithful Call Towards Election Engagement – ELCA Young Adults

📌ELCA election engagement is where our thoughts and prayers meet the Holy Spirit’s call to action. Join the Abide series to engage with ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellows to hear, learn and discuss more! Spots limited.

Jun.-Oct. 2024 6-session, monthly ONLINE SERIES | What does it mean to be Lutheran in a crucial election year? – ELCA and United Lutheran Seminary

📌In this election year, how might our Lutheran faith shape our thinking, acting and voting on major issues? Timely ELCA social teachings and tips for leading discussions in your own community are foundations of this online series. QR code on flyer leads to registration link at

The image features Presenter Pr. Amy Reumann speaking into a microphone. She is wearing a clerical collar and a dark blazer. The background shows a blurred church setting with purple decorations, possibly an altar. The image contains a semi-transparent red overlay at the bottom with white text and an illustration of Michigan. The text gives details about an initiative and training opportunity led by Pr. Amy Reumann.Tue. Sep. 3 begins 6-week ONLINE SERIES | Witnessing to Christ and Love for Neighbor in an Election Year – North/West Lower Michigan Synod

📌All adults are invited to this Adult Theological Education program on civic engagement intersections and opportunities in our faith journey. Registration closes Aug. 24. Get info from the synod or jump to registration page.

[date n/a] One Hundred Percent Voting Congregations – Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy

📌With a pledge to sign and support, VICPP is asking congregations to commit to have 100% participation in the electoral process.



Creating Space for Conversations: Resources and Inspirations for Reaching Common Ground – ELCA Grand Canyon Synod (shared 5/21/24)

🔎In response to the turbulent times we face and the heartbreaking events that have transpired recently, we are creating this special section on our site devoted to promoting understanding, dialogue, and unit. Whether you are seeking guidance on how to approach sensitive topics, or looking for ways to connect with others across divides, this page will be your go-to source.

Fair Wisconsin Maps – Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin (recorded 4/6/24)

🔎 What the heck just happened with Wisconsin maps? was among questions posed in this “Wednesday Noon Live” interview in a state with maps WUWM reported were “recognized as among the most gerrymandered in the country.”

 This image shows a person with shoulder-length brown hair wearing glasses, standing outside the South Phoenix Baptist Church. The individual is smiling slightly and wearing a black shirt adorned with several pins related to voting. One visible pin reads "ALL POWER TO ALL VOTERS". The church building features white textured walls, and there is a set of brown double doors behind the person with a "VOTE" sign taped to it. To the right, there is an electronic sign for the church displaying the name "South Phoenix Baptist Church" and the phrase "Welcome". A red horizontal banner overlay at the bottom of the image has white text that reads, "from 'Solveig's Day as a Poll Monitor' RESOURCES & REFLECTIONS".Solveig’s Day as a Poll Monitor – Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona – authored by Solveig Muus, director (originally posted 3/19/24)

🔎 “I was to observe whether the polls opened on time, whether there was adequate parking, adequate signage, easy access for voters with disabilities, ensure voters people are receiving provisional ballots if indicated, ensure any activists stayed outside the 75-foot perimeter, answer questions, etc. I received another quizzical look…”

Autumn’s Day as a Greeter – Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona – authored by Autumn Byars, ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow (originally posted 3/19/24)

🔎“My job today was not to proselytize or advertise our services, but by volunteering at our welcome cart and offering refreshments to all our voters, I had the privilege of representing our congregation to the outside world— which is always a good opportunity.”

In a pivotal state, ways to serve our neighbor in an election year – Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (originally posted 2/29/24)

🔎Facing “overwhelmed or inexperienced county elections officials” in the state, through love of neighbors we can “step up… We encourage anyone of good will, but especially our eligible teens and young adults, to get trained and serve as official poll workers on Election Day.” Offering our facilities as polling sites if needed in its neighborhood also “can be a big service to our communities.”


