We close the Wisconsin installment of the “Advocating on the Road” blog series with this prayer.

By Sarah Miller, a seminarian at Luther Seminary currently engaged in field education at The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepard in Eau Claire, Wisconsin


Triune God, you are the eternal three-in-one, Creator of the universe, the Word of salvation, and the life-giving Spirit. You are perfect unity and all-embracing diversity. To you be given glory and honor forever.

In your image you have created us for life in community, to live in relationship with you and with one another. As your people, you have called us to live in love; to honor each other, to respect each other, to trust each other, to listen to each other, to hold each other accountable to the gospel, to construe each other’s actions in the best possible light.

But we know that our relationships with you and with others all too easily become distorted. Too often our brokenness gets in the way of living in love; our relationships are marred by anxiety and tension, by polarization and stubbornness, by fear and anger, by mistrust and disrespect. Forgive us, Lord.

By your Spirit lead us to the waters of rebirth, where, remembering our baptism, we may daily rise to new life in Christ. Renew us with your forgiveness, grace and love. Send us back into the world to witness to the good news of Jesus Christ, to work for reconciliation, to seek justice for all people in our communities, in our nation, and throughout the world.

Just as you are the one and holy God, yet three persons, so too are we one church but many hands and feet. Teach us, in our diversity, to embrace the unity that we have in Christ Jesus and to live in relationships that reflect your love for us and all of creation. To you be given glory and honor, now and forever. Amen.
